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Haj Blog 1435 – Junaid Kharsany


Wednesday, October 01, 2014

As part of the orientation process before the Manasik, groups do a practice walk from Aziziyah to the Mina campsite. Our walk lead us up the King Abdullah bridge unto camp 19. Located to the left of the bridge on a hilltop, marked by a simple monument is the spot where Ibrahim (alaihis salaam) prepared to carry out the divine command of sacrificing his son. This spot is not merely a landmark but a living message to the millions of Hujjaj passing by.

Like how the Khalil of Allah remained steadfast, regardless of the outcome, Haj is our wake up call to obey the Almighty here and upon our return, even if means. Sacrificing human bonds or worldly attachments. We are not defined by the adornments surrounding us. Our identity lies in servitude to “The Rabb of this House”.





Monday, September 29, 2014

As a child I would recall my Nani share her Haj experiences. She had this photo album filled with ancient photos of her leaving Durban harbor as a teenage girl, accompanying her parents for Haj just before World War Two. I remember her clearly saying that she only visited Madinah on later trips because the road to Madinah took 6 days and there was a risk of bandits on the way. I also recall reading something similar from the Malfuzaat of Moulana Khalil Ahmed, who mentioned this fact as well. Recalling the Haj of our ancestors and the perils they faced has given me a great sense of appreciation, and it is only Allah Ta’ala that we show gratitude unto, for the comfort of our experience. However, the very same dangers faced by our ancestors,remain a reality for many Hujjaj still arriving daily in Makkah. This evening a group of Hujjaj arriving from Iraqi Kurdistan, spoke of a ten day trip, where often they were required to fork out protection money to various warlords and chiefs on the way, ensuring safe passage. The Sudanese Hujjaj living next to us in Aziziyah, spoke of a bumpy boat ride from Port Sudan to Jeddah. I am somehow able to replay parts of the Haj stories I heard from Nani Ma and others, using my fellow Hujjaj as role players.

May Allah Ta’ala make the road to Makkah and the return home, safe and easy for all his guests. Ameen.





Sunday, September 28, 2014

As a child I would recall my Nani share her Haj experiences. She had this photo album filled with ancient photos of her leaving Durban harbor as a teenage girl, accompanying her parents for Haj just before World War Two. I remember her clearly saying that she only visited Madinah on later trips because the road to Madinah took 6 days and there was a risk of bandits on the way. I also recall reading something similar from the Malfuzaat of Moulana Khalil Ahmed, who mentioned this fact as well. Recalling the Haj of our ancestors and the perils they faced has given me a great sense of appreciation, and it is only Allah Ta’ala that we show gratitude unto, for the comfort of our experience. However, the very same dangers faced by our ancestors,remain a reality for many Hujjaj still arriving daily in Makkah. This evening a group of Hujjaj arriving from Iraqi Kurdistan, spoke of a ten day trip, where often they were required to fork out protection money to various warlords and chiefs on the way, ensuring safe passage. The Sudanese Hujjaj living next to us in Aziziyah, spoke of a bumpy boat ride from Port Sudan to Jeddah. I am somehow able to replay parts of the Haj stories I heard from Nani Ma and others, using my fellow Hujjaj as role players.
May Allah Ta’ala make the road to Makkah and the return home, safe and easy for all his guests.  Ameen.





Thursday, September 25, 2014

One of the most interesting places I have passed during Haj are centers for lost persons. They are normally frantic places with a number of elderly folk trying to find their way in a sea of humanity. 

However, much to my pleasant surprise as I passed by a center in Madinah Munawwarah, I noticed teams of health care workers from the major Haj contributing countries stationed at this center. Upon inquiry I was informed that their role was to provide stress management to those who loose their way before taking down their wristband information and escorting them to their hotels. I actually returned the next day to witness the Indonesian team in action. An elderly lady, obviously lost, but too distraught to sit down, insisted on walking away. She was not chided or scolded by the care givers, rather a female health care worker, armed with a walkie talkie,accompanied her as she strolled to nowhere. Finally bringing her back. I met a team of male and female doctors from Malaysia making house calls at 4am, mentioning that every Malaysian Haji is provided this service 24/7 for free. Reflecting on all these pleasantries affords one hope during difficult times. Fulfilling the rites (Manasik) of Haj will ensure one’s Fard. But serving the guests of Allah Ta’ala during this journey will ensure a Haj Mabroor. 

InshaAllah. Ameen. 




Sunday, September 21, 2014

Bi Ismihi Ta’ala

The true cradle of humankind, from where it all began was Makka-tul-Mukarramah. Our father Adam (alaihis salaam) secured the forgiveness of his Rabb and as a result gained access to his wife, our mother, Hawa (alaihas salaam). It was here that Allah Ta’ala blessed them with virtuous offspring as well as sinners. As the 26th of Zul Qa’da concludes, I can’t but help think that the gathering of Haj, which I find myself part of, is not only a primary Ibadah. As I look at the unique faces and features,hear the languages and decipher the expressions. I conclude that the symbolic purpose of this gathering is to renew the very covenant that is supposed to bind man with his Maker and his peers. The covenant that is demanded by Allah, which was the call of every Prophet: “Allah hath no partner”.

Every one of my fellow Hujjaj are not merely individuals, but are representatives of every nation on earth. All the sons and daughters of Adam (alaihis salaam). As of this eve the majority of them have assembled in “The Mother of Cities”, Makkah. May Allah Ta’ala accept.



Prime Spot!!!


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