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A beautiful garden is the way to a buyers wallet

Have a plan:

Preparing the garden for the colder months will not only keep it looking good but will protect less hardy plants and make the garden easier to work during spring. It is advisable to formulate a plan before breaking ground. Autumn is a ideal time to evaluate the overall design of the landscape and move or remove plants not working in their current locations.

Clean up the garden:

As the days get colder and more leaves fall from the trees, it is excellent opportunity to start a compost heap. Keep the garden tidy by raking the leaves and removing weeds and diseased plants. Throw leaves and cuttings into the compost heap and discard the weeds as they will only create problems later.

Hard-scaping elements:

The introduction of hard-scaping will reduce areas of the garden that require watering while maintaining the gardens aesthetic value. Items such as birdbaths and stepping stone pathways can add interest.


A layer of mulching will insulate plants, protecting them from severe temperature changes during winter. It will also reduce soil erosion. Mulching is only necessary for more delicate plants. Smaller plants that are in movable containers should be moved to an indoor location, while larger container plants can be covered with a layer of mulch.


Shape trees and shrubs:

With many of the leaves gone, it is easier to shape and trim trees and shrubs, removing dying or diseased branches. This is also a chance to lighten areas in the garden that are heavily shaded and would benefit form more light.


Cut back perennial plants:

During the cold months the majority of the perennial plants can look tired and messy, making the garden seem so untidy, so cut them back t o neaten the garden. Certain perennials such as evergreen or alpine types will still be attractive



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