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Aisha RA – Part 22

Virtues of the Ahlul Bayt
Imam Muslim reports in his Sahih that Rasulullah ﷺ had a Persian neighbour who excelled at preparing gravy. Once he prepared some for Rasulullah ﷺ and then went to him to call him.

Rasulullah ﷺ asked (referring to Sayyidah Aisha RA, “And (what about) her?”
He replied, “No.”

Thereupon Rasulullah ﷺ rejected the invitation. This happened for a second time. On the third occasion, the man replied, “Yes, (her as well).”

Rasulullah ﷺ and Aisha RA then stood up and proceeded to his house.
Famous personalities from the Ahlul Bayt: Aisha رضي الله عنها

Her Academic Legacy
Some scholars state that one possible reason why Allah chose Aisha RA as a wife for Rasulullah ﷺ, even though the age gap between them was so vast, was so that she may preserve his teachings. The sharpness of memory that a person has in his youth is something that is witnessed and accepted by all. However, this reason gains a lot of strength when one takes a look at the academic legacy of Aisha RA. To start off with, help was sought from her when the Sahabah could not understand certain ahaadith. Secondly, two thousand plus narrations have reached us from her. Some of her prominent students were Sa’id ibn al Musayyib, ‘Ata’ ibn Abi Rabah, Muhammad ibn Sirin and Ibrahim al Nakha’i R. Thirdly, she asked Rasulullah ﷺ certain questions, due to which matters were clarified for the ummah. Below are a few examples:

Once, she heard Rasulullah ﷺ saying, “The one whose account will be taken will be punished.” She enquired, “(How is that the case when) Allah says, ‘He will be judged with an easy account.’” Rasulullah ﷺ then explained to her, “That means that (the records) will merely be presented. However, the one whose reckoning will be detailed, he will be destroyed.” [Al Bukhari]
On another occasion, she asked Rasulullah ﷺ, “Can we not go out on expeditions and jihad with you people?” Rasulullah ﷺ replied, “The best and most beautiful jihad is Hajj, a Hajj Mabrur.” [Al Bukhari]

Aisha RA knew that kindness to neighbours was greatly emphasised in Islam. However, in the case where kindness or generosity could only be shown to one neighbour, what is the appropriate course of action. She put this question forward to Rasulullah ﷺ, who replied, “To the one whose door is closer to yours.” [Al Bukhari]

There are many other examples that can be cited, but the above are sufficient to draw our attention to the manner in which she benefitted the ummah as far as knowledge is concerned.

In a nutshell, Aisha RA was an outstanding wife and student of Rasulullah ﷺ, and she brought great joy to his heart. She was praised by Allah, Jibril, the Ahlul Bayt, as well as prominent Sahabah RA. Her legacy was one of loving Rasulullah ﷺ above all else, seeking his pleasure, avoiding his displeasure, and imparting his teachings to his ummah. If her legacy is revived today by the ummah, all of our difficulties will come to an end, as we are either faced with difficulties on account of our lack of zeal for knowledge, or our laxity in practicing upon the knowledge that Allah has blessed us with. May Allah be pleased with her and revive her legacy in the life of every Muslim.

Aisha RA passed away towards the end of the reign of Muawiyah RA on the 17 Ramadan 58 A.H. Her age at the time of her death was sixty three. [Siyar]

May Allah be pleased with her, reward her abundantly on behalf of the entire Ummah, and make us all her devoted sons who continue to protect and preserve her legacy.

May Allah be pleased with her, reward her abundantly on behalf of the entire Ummah, and make us all her devoted sons who continue to protect and preserve her legacy.


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