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Artificial Intelligence in the now

By Naseerah Nanabhai

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is widely becoming part and parcel of our daily lives. Initially a large part of tech-driven industries, this revolution is now dominant in homes and businesses. As the demand for AI grows, data scientists are looking for new ways to apply data to meet the demand.

AI refers to intelligence displayed by machines, and thus differs from the natural intelligence that humans display. AI systems work by perceiving their environment and then conducting actions to maximise their goals. Artificial intelligence features include big data, algorithms, machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing, all of which contribute towards completing tasks that would usually require human-like intelligence.

Increasing workloads make AI a requirement in almost every sector. The automation and routine work that it provides helps save manpower of an organisation and increase productivity. The automation and enhancement that AI provides help organisations make better decisions and enhance business products and processes faster.

Regarding AI, the most frequently asked question is, can ethical artificial intelligence ever exist? This question is driven by people’s need to determine if AI initiatives can maintain human dignity and not cause harm to people. This extensively debatable topic encompasses many things, such as fairness, anti-weaponisation, and liability.

AI is impacting the future of every industry, and it is the primary driver of emerging technologies like big data and robotics. As these technologies continue to grow, they will have an increased impact on social settings and quality of life. It’s time for everyone else to leap over their hesitation and embrace what’s coming.



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