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Benefits and remedies using cloves

Clove produces clove oil, which has antiviral, antiseptic, antifungal, antimicrobial and aphrodisiac properties. It is used in the treatment of several health disorders, like coughs, asthma and headaches among others..

There are more than just the recreational benefits to cloves. There are many medicinal benefits to cloves as well which you may not be aware of. Cloves have been used to cure toothache and also in cases of throat and mouth inflammation. Cloves have also been taken for diarrhea, most liver, stomach and bowel ailments, and as a stimulant for the nerves.

Cloves are believed to have antiseptic, antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties which make them a great relief for many different conditions and disorders. Traditionally cloves have been used to treat flatulence, nausea and vomiting. They have also been used in some countries for treating infections such as malaria, cholera and tuberculosis, as well as scabies. In America, cloves have been used for treating worms, viruses, candida, various bacterial and protozoan infections.

Some make a combination of cloves, bay leaves, cinnamon, and marjoram for a hot tea that helps bronchitis, asthma, coughs, a tendency to infection, tuberculosis, altitude sickness, nervous stomach, nausea, diarrhea, flatulence, indigestion, dyspepsia, gastroenteritis, the side effects of lobelia, and depression. Sometimes people mix cloves with hot water, again making a tea and claim that it helps them get a good night’s sleep.

Cloves and ginger is a sure way to settle the stomach and stop vomiting. If you combine equal parts of cloves and basil it is supposed to detox meals from the body. Cloves have been used for failing eyesight and tooth problems. It was used for earaches very often throughout history as putting a little warmed oil of clove on a piece of cotton and in your ear was certain to rid any earache. Mostly, cloves are known for being warm and spicy but also have a strong relationship with pain relief, easing nausea and vomiting, and improving digestion. Cloves also kill intestinal parasites and act as an antimicrobial agent against fungi and bacteria. It has also been suggested that cloves have antihistamine properties as well.


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