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Book Review: Falling In Love With Muhammad Sallallahu?AlayhiWaSallam by Rehana Shah Bulbulia


Falling In Love With Muhammad Sallallahu‘Alayhi WaSallam, is the debut book of Sister Rehana Shah-Bulbulia.  Born and based in South Africa, she is a writer for The Muslim Woman Magazine and a free-lance journalist.



Comprising the significant number of 63 chapters, Falling In Love With Muhammad Sallallahu‘Alayhi WaSallam, is a collation of short stories, extracted from the life and biography of the Final Messenger Muhammad Sallallahu‘Alayhi WaSallam conveying the essence of who he was; highlighting his salient qualities and the reason he continues to be an absolute inspiration and the beloved of millions… This amazing book, which is an easy read, was written to cater for not just Muslims, but for non-Muslims too.  It’s an ideal gift for non-Muslim colleagues and acquaintances, especially in this climate of ignorance of the Final Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu‘Alayhi WaSallam, the greatest man to have ever set foot on this earth.  The following podcasts share the theme and storyline of the book:  Book Review and analysis by Ml Ashraf Docrat as well as various discussions and book giveaways by Radio Islam's presenters including Ml Ebrahim Bham, Mufti Moosagie , Ml Sulaiman Ravat, Apa Zaakirah  and Apa Amaarah…


Ml Ashraf Docrat: Book Review




Ml Ebrahim Bham mentioned that Ml Idrees Kandhelvi (AR) wrote in the preface of his extraordinary work, the biography of Muhammad Sallallahu‘AlayhiWaSallam entitled Seeratul Mustafa, ‘It is not as imperative for a person to know about himself as it is to know about the beloved Prophet Sallallahu‘Alayhi WaSallam, for the very survival of his Imaan a believer is in need of the existence of Muhammad Sallallahu‘Alayhi WaSallam.  He is further commanded to have the love of Nabi Sallallahu‘Alayhi WaSallam.’


Ml Ebrahim Bham & Ml Sajjaad: Book Giveaways


 The heart is always in love with someone.  That’s the reality.  If the love for positive things does not permeate the heart then the love for material objects, which are not always positive, will permeate it.  Love and devotion of Muhammad Sallallahu‘Alayhi WaSallam has always been a distinct characteristic of Muslims throughout the ages.


Mufti Yusuf Moosagie: Book Giveaways



Ml Ebrahim Bham mentioned, which is included in his Forward in the book, that there is no doubt that the Love of Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu‘Alayhi WaSallam is at the corner stone of our Imaan / Belief.


Ml Sulaiman Ravat: Book Giveaways


Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu‘Alayhi WaSallam said to the effect that, ‘None of you can be a Believer until I become dearer to you than your parents, your children and all of people.’


Brother Ismail Variava: Book Giveaways



 Is there a better response to the mockery and insults of the ignorant fools than a positive one?  This book, this apt work, Falling In Love With Muhammad Sallallahu‘AlayhiWaSallam by Rehana Shah Bulbulia, is an ideal and constructive response enlightening the world about this great man by showcasing his astounding qualities.


Apa Ammarah: Book Giveaways



‘What you hold in your hands is a treasure.  A treasure unfolding before you as you turn the pages and discover the life of our beloved Nabi Muhammad Sallallahu‘AlayhiWaSallam…’ Excerpt from the Forward by Khudeja Pochee, Editor, The Muslim Woman Magazine, South Africa.


Apa Zaakira: Book Giveaways



 ‘May ALLAH reward the author for presenting an extremely important theme in a contemporary style that I am confident will resonate with the youth and those who love reading.’ Excerpt from the Forward by Moulana Ebrahim Bham, Secretary-General, Jamiatul Ulama, Johannesburg, South Africa.


For more info contact:

Radio Islam Book Shop: +27118547022

The Author:  /  Tweet @muslimahatpeace


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