Courtesy of Shazeyah
Half cup prawn meat (the more the merrier)
2-3 tablespoon vegetable oil
1 medium onion finely chopped
1 tsp crushed garlic
½ teaspoon whole cumin
1 bunch herbs
2 tomatoes finely chopped
¼ teaspoon tumeric
3 red chillie sliced of slivered (adjust accordingly)
1 teaspoon ajmo
Salt to taste
Saute prawn in oil on medium heat for 30seconds to a minute and not more. Remove from pot. Saute onions in oil. Add jeera and garlic and fry for 20-30seconds before adding herbs, ajmo, tumeric and tomatoes. Cook on medium to low heat. Once the herb reduces in size, add salt and chillies. Add the prawn. Ready when all water is dried up. Herbs releases its own water so no need for additional water. Cooking time 15-20mins