What is as clear as mud today as the ANC NEC meeting is wrapping up, is the way forward for the divided party and its step-aside or suspension rule.
There appears to be little hope of reconciliation between the squabbling factions with supporters of both fighting for relevance.
What we do now is that suspended ANC secretary-general Ace Magashule and at least one of his supporters – a man who is also facing criminal charges, MP Bongani Bongo – were removed from the NEC Zoom meeting.
Radio Islam discussed the crucial meeting, which started on Saturday, with political analyst Dr Ralph Mathekga.
Why are children taken out of Maktab at such a young age
Audio clip by Shaikh Hasan Ali where he asks the question, that why are children taken out of Maktab at such a young age, code for the clip is RMaktab.