Health Articles
Allah’s Medicine Chest: Lemons
Lemons are just one example of the simple bounties Allah has provided us with. Although they may just be a...
medical cures prescribed by Nabi Muhammad (Salallaahu Alayhi Wasallam)
TIBB-E-NABAWIYby Mawlana Ebrahim Adam, CapeCURE 46 - 60Cure for potency 46Our Nabi (S.A.W.) was very fond of eating...
The many benefits and uses on onions.
What would a kitchen be without the distinctively pungent smell and taste of onions filling out the flavours of almost...
The importance of vegetables
Vegetables are important protective food and highly beneficial for the maintenance of health and prevention of...
The health benefits of water
Water is the all-round miracle drink that can do wonders for your health. Name any body part and you will find water...
The healthy benefits of swimming
SwimmingSwimming is a healthy activity with both physical and mental benefits. Increase your fitness with water...
The healthy benefits of eating friut
We all know fruit and veggies are good. It's what we've been told from a young age when our mothers used to...
The health benefits of ginger
We all have memories of mom's home remedy, something she gave us whenever we complained of a minor upset, a...
The health benefits of garlic, apple cider vinegar
Zesty garlic, sparkling apple cider vinegar and sweet smooth honey have long been accepted as nature’s most...