Hot sauce chips fry 4 potatoe chips in medium hot oilin a dish put ¼ cup vinegar, ¾ tsp salt and 1 ½ tsp chilli...
Tandoori Kabaab Recipe (15.03.18)
Courtesy cooking and baking creations volume 2 Jameela Sayed500g pre washed chicken mince1 tsp green chillie paste1...
Chicken pie recipe (15.03.18)
COURTESY COOKING AND BAKING CREATIONS VOLUMNE 2JAMEELA SAYEDIngredients1 kg cubed chicken1 tblsp garlic paste2 tsp...
Patta/pateria paste/dough mixture recipe (08.03.18)
INGREDIENTS• 2 onions• 2 tomato• 2 potatoes• 2bananas• 2 green apples(sour ones)• 1big mangoe optional Grate all the...
A selection of different pateria recipes (08.03.18)
PATERIA CASSEROLE Place steamed paterias in a casserole dishSpread with red chutney of your choiceMix 1 tin cream...
Plain cake recipe (01.03.18)
250g butter1 and 1/4 cup castor sugar4eggs3 cups flour1tsp vanilla1cup milkBeat together and last add 3tsp baking...
Chicken kalya recipes (01.03.18)
1 & 1/2 chickens cut & washed2 teaspoon ginger garlic 1 teaspoon chilli garlic paste1 teaspoon fine red...
Gool goola recipe (01.03.18)
Ingredients2 cups cake flour2 tblsps ghee2 eggs½ cup sugar1 ½ tsp baking powder1 tsp saumph½ cup milk½ cup water½...
Rice meals with a difference (15.02.18)
MUTTON AKNIE RECIPE 1/2 KG LEG MUTTON WASHED AND COOKED WITH: 1 tsp garlic 1/2 tsp Arad 2 tblsp ginger 1 tsp salt 3...
Mango and cardamon smoothie (08.02.18)
This heatwave calls for cool and refrshing breakfast smoothies… with all the delicious mangos in my fruit bowl..i...