This recipe is perfect for pies…..Love it. Not to dry, not too moist and a delicious flavor 2 kg cubed...
Vegetable filling (Mariam Vally) (06.06.13)
1 dessertspoon sesame seeds1 tsp whole mustard2 dessertspoons oil1 cup frozen mix vegetables1 cup frozen whole...
Masala chicken filling (Mariam Valley) (06.06.13)
2 cups chicken fillet – cut into cubes2 tsp fine salt or to taste1 level tsp red ginger garlic masala2...
Corn and onion filling (Mariam Valley) (06.06.13)
2 cups frozen cornOil1 cup water1 ½ tsps salt or to taste1 ½ dessertspoons crushed green chillies1 level...
Cheese and onion/ cheese and corn filling recipe (Mariam Valley) (06.06.13)
CHEESE AND ONION FILLING2 cups grated cheese2 medium onions chopped1 tsp white pepper½ tsp salt or to...
Fish Kebaabs (Courtesy of Mariam Vally) (16 May 2013)
½ kg stock fish – hake can also be usedBoil fish for an hour deboned and mashed3 medium potatoes...
Chicken delights (Courtesy of Mariam Valley) (09.05.13)
2 dessertspoons oil2 cups chicken breast cubed fine1 medium potato cubed½ cup whole frozen corn1 ½...
Mash potato bajiyah (Chillibites) (Courtsey Mariam Valley) (09.05.13)
5 medium potatoes – boiled with skin, remove skin and mash1 tsp fine salt2 level dessertspoons crushed...
Mince filling for samoosa (Courtesy Mariam Valley) (09.05.13)
1 kg mince – beef mutton or chicken OR ½ kg mutton mince mixed with ½ kg chicken minceMince must...
Tasty samoosa mince recipe (02.05.13)
INGREDIENTS1 kg mince of choice, chicken, beef or mutton.Wash mince, drain and put in pot add: 2 tbslps ground...