Neelam Rahim | 3-minute read 14 October 2023 | 14:58 CAT Stress is taking a toll on the...
Neelam Rahim | 3-minute read 14 October 2023 | 14:58 CAT Stress is taking a toll on the...
Mumtaz Moosa | 22 September 2023 | 08:00 CAT 1 min read When a person passes away, their close...
Naseerah Nanabhai | 15 September 2023 |12:15 CAT 2 min read The cornerstone of a healthy...
By Zainub Jada 08:03:2022 PRODUCTIVE LIFE COACHING: STRESS Stress is our psychological and physiological reaction to an event or condition considered a threat or challenge. There is a feeling of emotional pressure and strain when we feel unable to cope or are...
By Zainub Jada 08:03:2022 PRODUCTIVE LIFE COACHING: SOCIAL MEDIA ADDICTION Nowadays, if you're not on social media, you feel like you're not truly living in the 21st century. In everything from businesses to personal and professional relationships, social media has a...
Naseerah Nanabhai 09-03-2022 Undoubtedly the pandemic has accelerated remote working practices, but the concept itself is not new and has been around for a while-before Covid-19. Remote working has been rampant for decades, but since 2020 it has been noticeably...
By Mumtaz Moosa-Saley 08:03:2002 Homework, real pain for most parents. Parents who have kids in grade R will relate when I say that the homework they receive is too much. At the age of 5 and 6, I believe that too little emphasis is placed on developing their fine...
By Mumtaz Moosa-Saley 02:03:2022 As the conflict between Ukraine and Russia escalates, the world watches as many are forced to leave their homes and seek refuge in other countries willing to accept them. Nobody wants to be a refugee, and no person wants to leave their...
By Naseerah Nanabhai 02:03:2022 It happens unintentionally, there you are going about your day, and suddenly a bad thought creeps into your head. You may think something like, ‘What if I’m making a big mistake?’ Thereafter, comes the ripple effect: “I have no idea...
By Naseerah Nanabhai 22:02:2022 International Mother Language Day is celebrated on the 21st of February each year. Since 2000, this day has reminded us that linguistic diversity and multilingualism are essential for sustainable development. This UNESCO initiative...
By Mumtaz Saley-Moosa 22:02:2022 It seems that people would do just about anything to get internet fame these days, as students have embarked on dangerous ways to go viral. The latest viral TikTok #SchoolsChallenge has had students vandalising property, throwing rocks...
When it comes to an artist, or an author the lines are clear- we very clearly can see the difference between work that has been created by the artist and work that has not been created by them. We are extremely careful not to copy and persons words or work without...