Neelam Rahim | 3-minute read 21 July 2023 | 20:12 CAT New research suggests you can add years...
Social (opinion) Articles
Elder Alienation
Neelam Rahim | 2-minute read 30 July 2023 | 18:08 CAT Elder alienation is becoming so common...
Sheringham Road – health crisis in Overport
Ahmedy Fakroodeen | Citizen Journalist 21 July 2023: 00:00 CAT 2 min read As you walk or drive by, the sight is an...
Things you didn’t know about healthy eating
By Naseerah Nanabhai 09:02:2022 Healthy eating starts with eating patterns and adopting healthy habits for your meals. It is about making beneficial choices when deciding what to eat and creating sustainable modifications to your regime. What is a balanced...
Productive Life Coaching: Brain Fuel
PRODUCTIVE LIFE COACHING: BRAIN FUEL By Zainub Jada 07:02:2022 Just as automobiles require fuel to move down the road, people need brain fuel (or mental energy) to pay attention to information, tasks, and people in any learning situation. Your body is equipped with...
Productive Life Coaching: Failure
PRODUCTIVE LIFE COACHING: FAILURE By Zainub Jada 07:02:2022 EVERY FAILURE IS A STEP TO SUCCESS Success is not final. Failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts. (Winston Churchill) DEFINITION OF FAILURE Failure is the state or...
What you didn’t know about cloud storage
By Naseerah Nanabhai 02:02:2022 Cloud storage is the latest way of exchanging files and accessing them at different locations, without material drives. It allows the opportunity to download your files to a server and access them at any time from any device. While it...
Car guard with a dream
By Mumtaz Moosa-Saley 01:02:2022 Over the last few years, on a busy street in the north of Johannesburg, a local car guard has gotten to know me, and I got to learn about his story of why he is a car guard. When the hard lockdown happened, I was worried about him and...
Does online shopping chip away at our Iman whilst making our lives easier?
Shakirah Hunter I wake up early in the morning and after my morning routines, it’s a deeply ingrained habit in the twenty first century to reach for my phone and swipe through status updates. At times they are full of positive messages, inspirational ayaat and...
How to keep your kids safe online
By Mumtaz Moosa-Saley 27:01:2022 As a parent, I'm very aware of the dangers lurking at every corner, in the real world and online. With that, many parents have opted not to allow their children a cellphone, but as parents, we also cannot hold them back forever. ...
Selective Mutism
By Naseerah Nanbhai 26:01:2022 Selective mutism, also known as childhood anxiety disorder, is the inability to speak or communicate in specific settings. It can start as early as two years of age, and those who suffer from it may experience significant problems in...
BY ZAINAB JADA MENTAL AND WELLNESS COACH 25:01:2022 Are you an honest person? Are you highly creative? Do you have strong moral/ethical standards? If so, you may be on your way towards achieving self-actualisation. DEFINITION The complete realisation of one's...