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Social (opinion) Articles

Are you wearing the right shoe?

Ml Muhammad Bham | 26 February 2023 | 8:00 AM CAT 2 min read A video circulating on TikTok claimed that most fitness shoes cause foot health issues and that some should be avoided. Speaking to Radio Islam International, podiatrist Yaseera Hajee...

What is POP Psychology?

Hannah Omarjee | 17 February 2023 | 17:00 PM CAT 2 min read Besides breaking the stigma surrounding mental health, magazines, newspapers, and social media have become a breeding ground for what is called 'Pop Psychology'. Umme Muhammad, the...

Physical activity and reducing stress and anxiety

Naseerah Nanbhai | 17 February 2023 | 13:00 PM CAT 1 min read A study conducted in January 2023, revealed that mental health was both a motivator and barrier to physical activity, in the post pandemic world. While many people try to exercise...

Letters of hope

Mumtaz Moosa | 14 February 2023 / 13:00 PM CAT 2-minute read The devastation of the earthquake in Türkiye and Syria has been life-changing for many; we have seen humanity come together to make a difference. During this week, a popular news network...
False Memories

False Memories

By Naseerah Nanabhai 26:08:2021 How many times have you thought you left your keys or cell phone somewhere, but in reality, you did not or could swear you switched the washing machine on before going to work but come home and realize you didn't. Often, we find...

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