Ingredients: 1 chicken approximately 1kg1 big onion roughly chopped4 tablespoons fresh coconut peeled and...
Whole tamarind Chicken Roast (21.07.07)
Whole tamarind Chicken Roast (21.07.07)
Tortilla filling (28.07.07)
Tortilla filling (28.07.07)
Tempting chicken roast
Ingredients 1 whole chicken uncut 2 tsps fine Dhania 1 tblsp crushed green chillies 1 tblsp ginger garlic masala 2 tsp...
Tandoori Chicken (20.01.07)
Tandoori Chicken (20.01.07)
Tamarind chicken with cheesy mash
Ingredients : 2 chicken cut into fours 2 tbsp ginger/garlic masala 2 tbsp ground garlic 2 tsp salt 3 tsp fine red...
Taj special Chicken clear soup (09.06.07)
Taj special Chicken clear soup (09.06.07)
Sweet sour chicken or prawns
INGREDIENTS 2 Cups cubed chicken or headless prawns 2 Tbls Light Soya Sauce 1 Tsp Sugar 1 Tsp Ground Green Chillies 1...
Sweet and sour chicken strips
1 Kg chicken wings 1 ½ tsp ginger/garlic 1 Tbsp honey 2 Tbsp oil 1 Tbsp ghee 2 Tbsp Worcester sauce or H.P...
Steers chicken
Easy for the new generation and very tasty! INGREDIENTS A few potatoes for frying. 1 Chicken or chicken fillet cubed...