• Ml Junaid Kharsany
    Thursday, 6:20 pm - 7:00 pm
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Challenges faced by the Youth

Most of the problems facing today’s youth are not restricted to any one particular group, but they affect all young people in general. Most discussions on youth have focussed on issues such as drug abuse, crime, violence, sexuality and poverty. In addition to these, today’s youth are afflicted by new challenges.

These include:

  1. An Identity Crisis: Who am I?
  2. Lack of self-confidence and low self-esteem: I am worthless
  3. A sense of hopelessness: Where am I going?
  4. Confusion and ambiguity concerning moral issues: What is right and wrong?
  5. The negative impact of the electronic media: Entertainment?
  6. Competitiveness in education: the uneven playing field

As such the family and religion now have a minimal impact on the average youngster. The values emphasized today include individualism, Godlessness, materialism, secularism and rationalism. It is the youth who are encountering the most serious challenge to their faith under the impact of the godless culture of modernity.

The majority of the young minds in our society are not attracted by religious institutions. The emphasis is on competitiveness, academic success, career goals, income and social mobility. Little or no attention is given to preparing tomorrows leadership. There is no emphasis placed on critical thinking and problem solving. We are preparing followers, imitators and conformists, and not leaders, innovators or problem solvers.

The youth are being asked to give up certain family and social values that were an integral part of their identity, and adopt in its place a sense of self-alienation, and become a self-estranged imitator of everything “modern”.

We need to pay close attention to the effects of secularism:  confining the role of religion to the private domain of the individual and creating a dichotomy between “religious” and “worldly,” between “private” and “public.” It denies religion and its mediating institutions any public function and influence in shaping matters of public policy.

The Technological Revolution

Another major challenge young people are facing is the job market of the future. Because of the technological revolution, we are going through right now, many of the jobs we had in the past will become automated. This, in itself, is not necessarily an issue. However, because our school systems have not developed alongside technology, trouble is now arising. If young people were taught to think critically, be innovative and creative, and develop their social intelligence, the technological revolution could open up a lot of awesome opportunities. But only in rare cases do schools provide their students with these kinds of skills. Most of the time, they are teaching old-school lessons about things that were important in the past, but have little importance in the future. And this is the true issue behind the technological revolution we are facing.

Other general challenges include:

Health and Wellness – The rise in mental health concerns among young people is alarming.

Leadership – While young people are more connected than ever, meaningful leadership opportunities are lacking.

Employment – The employment landscape for youth is fraught with challenges, including underemployment, low wages, and job insecurity.

Social Media and Mental Health – The digital age has brought about new challenges that previous generations didn’t have to face. One of those is the impact of social media on mental health. While it offers a platform for connection and self-expression, it can also contribute to anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem.

Financial Literacy – Despite being a crucial life skill, financial literacy is often overlooked in formal education. Many young people find themselves unprepared to manage personal finances, leading to debt and financial instability.

Drug Abuse and Addiction – Drug abuse is not a new issue, but its impact on young people has been increasing. Whether it’s prescription medication, recreational drugs, or alcohol, substance abuse has far-reaching consequences.

Political Engagement – While many young people are socially aware, there’s a gap when it comes to actual political participation. Voting rates among the youth are lower compared to older demographics.



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