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Citrus fruits and winter

There are perfect wisdoms in the fruits created by Allah, and only scientists could realize this wisdom as they explored their secrets. The question to be is: Why citrus fruits come in winter only?  The benefits of the citrus fruits and why they ripen in winter and how, were mentioned in a very accurate scientific research.  Some scientists said: in orange you find nutritional compounds and protective vitamins, among which is vitamin C known as a resistant element against weakened structure, skin bleeding, deconstruction of calcic substance in bones, dyspepsia, lack of appetite, and infections.

One orange per day is enough to support man with all his needs of this vitamin, and giving the infant, who is artificially fed, orange juice will make up for the lack of this vitamin.  This vitamin resists lot of toxic materials, so lemon has unbelievable features in the first place. If you put 10 grams of it in one liter of water, the result would be a fatal solution to all kinds of bacteria, so if we want to sterilize drinking water in any area known of polluted water, all what we have to do is to put few drops of citric juice in it, this amount is enough to kill many kinds of germs and viruses as: Cholera and typhoid, so few drops of citrus juice will kill the germs immediately. 

This fruit, created by Allah The All-Mighty, resists rheumatism and stomach diseases; in addition, it strengthens the heart and exterminates all toxic materials swallowed accidentally through food. This fruit (citrus) is created to be a cure before being a nutrient; it is a medicine in the full sense of the word.These are Allah’s Signs in His creations, this what we think of as merely fruit is a drug store by itself; it protects, strengths, and energizes, and if man reflected upon his food, his heart would become submissive, break into tears, and prostrate himself to Allah.

Citrus fruits include oranges, lemons, limes and grapefruits, in addition to tangerines and pummelos. Not only are the citrus fruits in this diverse group delicious and refreshing, they are rich in compounds called flavonoids, which have anticancer properties. Citrus fruit flavonoids have been shown to inhibit the growth of cancer cells and prevent the spread of tumors We've all heard about an apple a day to keep the doctor away, but an even better health booster may be citrus fruits. It turns out oranges, grapefruits and lemons not only help to combat colds, but they also contribute to a dewy complexion and offer cancer-fighting antioxidants. Oranges When we have a cold, how many of us just naturally pour a glass of O.J.? Smart thinking.

Oranges have a high content of vitamin C, which helps fight colds; they also contain plenty of phytonutrients, one of which, hesperidin, has been shown to lower high blood pressure and cholesterol. In addition, studies on mandarin oranges have shown that the fruit's juice not only may have anti-cancer properties, but could prevent Hepatitis-C patients from developing liver cancer. Researchers also found that higher mandarin orange consumption leads to a lower risk of liver disease, hardened arteries, and insulin resistance associated with diabetes. A Grapefruit eating half a grapefruit before every meal is an excellent appetite suppressant. It also ranks highest among the citrus fruits for antioxidants. Plus, grapefruits contain the phytonutrient liminoid, which inhibits tumors, and naringenin, which repairs DNA in prostate cancer cells. Studies have shown, too, that grapefruits reduce kidney stone risk, protect against colon cancer, and boost liver enzymes.

Lemons These sour yellow fruits are not only high in vitamin C but are also a diuretic and therefore help people who have frequent urinary tract infections as well as high uric acid problems. This includes those who suffer with arthritis and rheumatism. Add a squeeze or two to hot water to relieve nausea or heartburn. For beauty's sake, rub a lemon slice on your face for a glowing, healthy look. Citrus juices can be used as constipation remedies. Drinking juices will stimulate your colon as well as various parts of the body. Because your colon is much less active at night, consuming juices right after you wake up in the morning and get up can activate powerful peristaltic action plus promote a bowel movement. Lemons really are filled with enzymes, particularly potassium, Vitamin C, along with bio flavonoids that is a great detox for your body. Fresh lemon juice certainly is the king of fresh fruit juices. It contains citric acid that acts in your system in ways no other juice does. To start with it acts on the liver to develop its enzymes so it can clear toxins in the bloodstream. After that it combines with calcium to form soluble chemical substances.

This makes it good at eliminating pancreatic and kidney stones, eliminating pluck from building up along artery walls, and also other harmful calcium deposits that occur in your body. If your gall bladder, liver, and pancreas are not working right, food digestion will be influenced. This will then generate constipation which can become serious with time. Take advantage of lemons moderately since they break up natural oils in the course of digestion and in the system they make oils much less accessible to our cells as well as joints. If you suffer from lemon allergies or ulcers then you definitely should avoid fresh lemon juice. If you have arthritis lemons will not be a great choice either. If you do not have lemon or citrus fruit allergies, then here is something you can try as a constipation remedy:

Squeeze 1 whole lemon into a glass of lukewarm drinking water. Drink it right off the bat after you wake up. Don’t drink or eat anything else for at least 1/2 hour. It will take some time for it to work. Use a normal citrus juice press to get all the juice out of the lemon, or use bottled lemon juice if you don´t have fresh lemons at home. When talking about constipation remedies and citrus fruits, you can also drink a glass of fresh squeezed grape juice the very first thing every morning.

Grapefruit Benefits for Diseases:
• Appetite Loss: Grapefruit works as an excellent appetizer as compared to any other drug. It is said that smell of the grapefruit reduces the feeling of hunger. This is the reason why people include grapefruit in their weight loss programs. High fiber contained by this fruit can satisfy hunger and thus, avoids any overeating temptation.

• Fever: The pulp or the juice of grapefruit provides assistance to the patient to recover easily from the fever. It reduces burning sensation that occurs during high temperature. It also cures several cases of cold and phenomena. Grapefruit juice, if combined with water, can quench the thirst.

• Fatigue: Grapefruit is beneficial in the treatment of fatigue. It helps you to dispel your fatigue and general tiredness caused due to the routine work. It can bring about a refreshing feeling in you when you drink equal amount of grapefruit juice and lemon juice.

• Influenza: Grapefruit is a valuable remedy for influenza as it helps to minimize acidity from the system. The bitter properties arising from an essence called ‘maringin’ in grapefruit tones up the system and the digestive swathe.

• Malaria: The juice or the fruit itself consists of valuable and natural ‘quinine’ which are advantageous for the treatment of malaria. The quinine can be easily extracted from the fruits by boiling a quarter of grapefruit and spraining the pulp.

• Acidity: The fresh grapefruit juice has alkaline reaction after digestion. The citric acid of the fruit is tarnished in the human body and thus, increases the effect of the alkalinity reaction after digestion. The juice extracted from the grapefruit is beneficial in preventing the acid formation and many other diseases that arise due to the presence of acidity in the body.

•Indigestion: Grapefruit is useful for solving the problem of indigestion. It is very light as compared to other food articles and thus, acts immediately on indigestion by easing the heat and irritation caused in the stomach. It improves the flow of digestive juices, thereby improving the digestive systems.

•Insomnia: A simple glass of grapefruit juice, if drunk before going to bed, can promote healthy and sweet sleep and thus, alleviates insomnia.

• Diabetes: A diabetic patient can safely eat a grapefruit. The consumption of this fruit can reduce the starches from the body. If a patient is diabetic, intake of grapefruit can facilitate you to fight with this health issue.

• Constipation: A glass full of fresh squeezed grapefruit in the morning is the best remedy to control the constipation. They result best in stimulating the colon and other parts of the body.

• Flatulence: 10 to 20 drops of grapefruit seeds in the juice, taken before the meals and three times a day, work as an appropriate pro-biotic and digestive enzyme.

•Urinary Disorders: Grapefruit juice is quite rich in potassium and vitamin C and thus, works as the best medicine in the case of scanty urination caused due to the liver, kidney or heart problems.


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