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Communicating in the 21st Century Made Simple by Tech


Faizel Patel, Radio Islam News – 10-05-2018


The way people communicate has evolved dramatically with a myriad of options available to share information and even news. 

From smoke signals and homing pigeons used in ancient Persia, to Roman soldiers for military communication, to the first electronic telegraph built by Francis Ronalds in 1816, humans have always had a need to communicate with each other in the quickest way possible. 

Before the internet and email says, the quickest way to communicate with someone was a telephone call and information about the world was found in libraries or newspapers. 

Now of course, there are more ways to get a message to someone than most people can make use of. From SMS and WhatsApp to Facetime, Skype or any number of social media platforms, people are instantly and constantly connected. As for information, a whole world awaits at the click of a button. 

Craige Fleischer, Vice President of Integrated Mobility, Samsung South Africa, says modern communication is largely digital, which has changed the way people communicate. 

“The way people are touched by technology in today’s world has created a new way of doing life, a fresh way of being in touch and has opened opportunities that simply weren’t possible a decade ago. Samsung’s new flagship devices, the S9 and S9+ have taken the concept that much further and we have no doubt they will contribute greatly to more interconnectivity in the world.” 

While every person is unique and the way they use their smartphone within their personal context differs, there’s no doubt that when it comes to navigating the modern world, technology has become the interaction touch-point. 


Twitter: @FaizelPatel143




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