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    Monday, 4:00 pm - 4:05 pm
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Competition Rules

Below are the standard terms and conditions that are applicable to Radio Islam International’s Ramadhaan Competitions.

  1. By entering the competition and / or accepting any prize (if you are a winner), you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.
  2. The outcome of the competition is subject to the decision of the moderator and Programmes Manager. Their decisions are final. No correspondence will be entertained after that.
  3. It is your responsibility to ensure that all the information which you provide to Radio Islam International is complete, accurate and up to date.
  4. No B.O.D Members of Radio Islam International, Radio Islam International employee or their agencies, and members of their immediate family; nor members of the sponsors of any competition or any of their affiliated companies and agencies, and members of their immediate family, may enter any of the competitions hosted partly or in whole by Radio Islam International.
  5. Prizes are not transferable and are not negotiable.
  6. Radio Islam International will not undertake to deliver any prizes to respective winners.
  7. If prizes are not collected / claimed within 60 days – they will be disposed of at Radio Islam International’s discretion.
  8. Subject to these terms and conditions, Radio Islam International will not disclose any of the participant’s personal information to third parties without that participant’s permission.
  9. No listener can win prizes in more than one competition during Ramadhaan or more than once in any competition.
  10. When a listener participates in any competition on Radio Islam during Ramadhaan, the participant’s household and immediate family members may not participate in any competition on Radio Islam during Ramadhaan.
  11. Winners of “major competition or major prizes” on Radio Islam from 2015 and their household members and immediate family members may not participate in any competition on Radio Islam during Ramadhaan. (The definition of “major” is per Radio Islam Management’s discretion.)
  12. Any violation or attempt to violate any of the above rules will result in the immediate disqualification of the transgressor.


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