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Concept Of Hijab By Ml Ravat – Discussion 12


Wednesday 20130107 – Ml Ravat, in this part, continued to the next Verse of Surah Ahzab i.e. Verse 33 in Juz 22 in which a instructions are given on the appropriate manner a woman should follow when leaving her home.

Moulana explained that 'Waqarna Fee Buyooti Kunna' means, that a woman may leave her home out of necessity provided she adheres to the laws of Hijab.

Moulana also explained the next part of this Verse,'Wala Tabarajna Tabarru Jaljahiliyatil Oola – And do not make a display of yourselves as was a practice of the former period of ignorance.'
The former period of ignorance was the period before Islam when women mixed freely with strange men in public.  Moulana mentioned that this Verse 'is an indication that Muslims will soon plunge into a state of moral decadence resembling that of the pre-Islamic era…'  

If a lady has a need to earn a living, either to supplement her husbands salary or to sustaint her basic needs, its Islamically permissible provided she adheres to the laws of #Hijab

Its important to remember that though the Verses of Hijab were revealed as guidelines for our Mothers, the Azwajim Mutaharat; the pure Wives of Muhammad Rasulullah Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wa Sallam, these commandments apply to all Muslim women for all time till the Day of Qiyamah.

This is part 12…







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