Cucumber juice is one of the most useful home remedies in the treatment of cystitis. It is a very effective diuretic. A cup of this juice, mixed with 1 tsp of honey and a tblsp of fresh limejuice, should be given 3 or 4 x daily.
Radish leaves.
The juice of radish leaves is valuable in cystitis. A cup of this juice should be given once daily, in the morning, for a fortnight.
A quantity of 100ml of fresh spinach juice, taken with an equal quantity of tender coconut water twice a day, is considered beneficial in the treatment of cystitis. It acts as a very effective and safe diuretic due to combined action of both nitrates and potassium.
Lemon has proved valuable in cystitis. A tsp of lemon juice should be put in 180ml of boiling water. It should then be allowed to cool and 60ml of this water should be taken every 2 hours from 8a.m. To 12 noon for the treatment of this condition. This eases the burning sensation and also stops bleeding in cystitis.
The patient should avoid eating beans, pulses and vegetables like tomatoes and bhinda.
Increase the intake of fluids particularly water. Drink at least 8 to 10 glasses a day.
Avoid acid-forming foods, spicy condiments, chillies etc.
Use cranberry juice liberally.