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Death of Khadijah RA – Part 8

The tenth year after Nubuwwah was a very difficult year for the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. While the boycott of Nabi ﷺ and his family in the Gorge of Abu Talib had ended, the Prophet ﷺ had lost two of his greatest pillars of strength and support. The three-year boycott had taken its toll and the beloved uncle of Nabi ﷺ, Abu Talib and thereafter his noble and beloved wife, Khadijah RA had both passed away.

So heavy was the grief upon Nabi ﷺ that this year has been recorded by many historians as “Aamul Huzn” the year of grief.
Rasulullah ﷺ first lost his uncle, Abu Talib. The sadness experienced by him due to this was twofold; the departure of a close relative who defended him on numerous occasions against the other leaders of the Quraysh, and the departure of his loving and caring uncle upon incorrect beliefs. The leaders of the Quraysh had pleaded many times with Abu Talib to hand over his nephew to them but he had totally refused and reiterated his support for Nabi ﷺ.

There are different reports of the amount of time that had passed, but it was not long before Rasulullah ﷺ was afflicted with an even greater calamity, i.e. the demise of Sayyidah Khadijah RA, who passed away in the month of Ramadan in the same year (historians have mentioned different dates in Ramadhan). Thus, the year is referred to as ‘The Year of Sorrow’. [Subul al Huda wal Rashad] Her age at the time of her death was sixty five. [Al Isabah]

When Umm al Mu’minin Khadijah RA passed away, Rasulullah ﷺ was extremely grieved and sorrowful at the separation of his life partner. Preparations for the burial of Khadijah RA took place at a place called Hujun. When the blessed grave was ready, Rasulullah ﷺ himself descended into the grave to lower Khadijah RA into it. Hakim ibn Hizam was also present at the burial with Rasulullah ﷺ. His full name is Hakim ibn Hizam ibn Khuwaylid ibn Asad. He is the biological nephew of Khadijah i.e. Khadijah is his paternal aunt. The scholars have mentioned one of his specialities that he is known as the one born in the Ka’bah. He accepted Islam at the conquest of Makkah [Kitab al Muhabbar of Abu Jafar al Baghdadi pg.176]. Until then, the shar’i law of Salat al Janazah had not yet been prescribed. [Al Ma’arif by Ibn Qutaybah pg.59]

Rasulullah’s ﷺ Grief upon Her Demise
Rasulullah ﷺ was grieved to such an extent that those around him began fearing that this grief might result in his death. [Ibid] It is reported that Khawlah bint Hakim visited Rasulullah ﷺ after the demise of Khadijah RA, and the following conversation ensued:

يا رسول الله كأنى أراك دخلتك خلة لفقد خديجة قال أجل كانت ام العيال و ربة البيت…
Khawlah: “O Rasulullah, I see that you are uneasy since (you) lost Khadijah.”
Rasulullah ﷺ replied: “Yes. She was the mother of the family and the custodian of the house.” [Ibid]

Thus passed away the ‘Mother’ of all Muslims, the one who had sacrificed her all for Islam, the lady who was the greatest supporter of Islam in its earliest days. She had been a loyal and sympathetic wife who shared his secrets. It was only human and natural that he should feel her loss as she was there for him during his most difficult times. Whenever he was abused by the disbelievers she had provided moral support and unflagging faith.


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