We at Isizwe Islamic Dawah Movement would like to share our heartfelt love and gratitude to the Muazzin of Rural Area that has been calling the community to prayer, who at large is a Non Muslim area, him doing so has been a means of Dawah to the community, with his beautiful voice to the call to prayer, many would just listen and kids curious would come and want to know more about the Adhaan, leading to which it would make many start excepting Islam.
Apart from just making the Adhaan, the Muadhin is an Imaam (Sheikh Mustafa Yasin) is a hands on Imaam with his community, helping many with their needs where he can, from food to water etc and sharing the teachings of Islam through his Dawah programs hosted within his community in which is in the Inanda Amowtana area at a Musjid called Musjid Ul Ummah.
In Shaa Allah we hope that this would be a means to help the Sheikh/Muaddin to achieve his dream to visit the house of Allah and beautiful city of Medinah.