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Despite several requests, the Justice Minister failed to produce copy of loan agreement

Neelam Rahim |

3-minute read
17:49 2024 | 17:49 CAT

Despite repeated requests, Justice Minister Thembi Simelane has chosen not to disclose the loan agreement between her company and VBS fixer Ralliom Razwinane’s company. This agreement remains a mystery for a R575 600′ loan’ she purportedly took in 2016 to purchase a coffee shop in Sandton.

However, Daily Maverick and News24 obtained a copy of the alleged “loan agreement”, ostensibly signed by Simelane and Razwinane on 30 September 2016 – a document Simelane has steadfastly refused to make publicly available.

It confirms that Simelane, while she was mayor of Polokwane Municipality in 2016, took an alleged “loan” of R575 600 from Razwinane’s company, Gundo Wealth Solutions, a service provider to her municipality, to buy Silvana’s Coffee Shop in Sandton.

Speaking to Radio Islam International on establishing the latest developments, investigative journalist Pauli van Wyk said, “From our analysis it seems the contract that Simelane relies on to legitimize this “loan” was backdated.”

“A careful reading of the document’s content shows that the agreement includes an acknowledgement by Simelane and sets out the payment dates and repayment timeline. It is written on plain white paper with no company logos, director information or official-looking markings in the header or footer of the page.”

When confronted with the possibility of the document being a fabrication, Simelane, through her spokesperson, chose not to address the issue directly. Instead, she stated, ‘… The minister has noted your questions, and she will not be making any further comments on the matter of a document she did not circulate,’ as reported by News24.

Meanwhile, van Wyk underscored the pivotal role of investigative journalism, a tool that empowers the public by holding those in power accountable.

“It’s clear how important journalism is overall because of holding power to account. If power goes unchecked, people will steal from the very poor of this country and use it for their own gain,” she said.

Listen to the full interview on The Daily Round Up with Moulana Juniad Kharsany and Investigative Journalist Pauli van Wyk here.


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