• Afternoon Mix with Irfaan Aboo
    Saturday, 4:05 pm - 5:00 pm
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An example of Discipline

Yesterday we concluded by explaining that when you understand discipline to be a choice, then automatically this sets YOU in control — not anyone nor anything else.

The equation is simple:

                            More discipline = more choice = more control.
                           Less discipline = less choice = less control.

Let’s use a common example…

I want to get up at 4:45am and read my Tahajjud Salaah and complete my Quraan reading and Dhikr for the day. I have a four month-old son who usually wakes up at 6:00am and, like all babies, needs a lot of time and attention. I have to take care of  him, as well as get the other kids ready for school and husband ready for work by 7:30am.

So I need to perform my Ibaadah before he wakes up… hence the 4:45am alarm.

My alarm goes off, I choose discipline, get up, enjoy my Tahajjud and Adhkaar, wake up my son, love on him, and continue with the rest of my chores. My first win of the day is in the books and my mind is clear to focus on my next priorities knowing my Ibaadah is “done” and I don’t have to “find the time” to make it up later. I’m in control of me and my day. I can even hope for the afternoon siesta and my baby naps as I have earned it!

But what if I don’t choose discipline?

My alarm goes off, I choose default, sleep in, wake up my son, still love on him, and continue the day. I’m mentally and emotionally disappointed in myself because I should have gotten up and read my Tahajjud and done my Adhkaar. My mind is searching for when I can make it up. Tonight? Too busy, too late, too tired. Tomorrow? Now I’m disappointed and distracted. I’m not in control of me or my day. I’m stressed and irritated, my discipline fades even further, so I make impulsive decisions and at the end I myself conclude that this was a horrible day.

Sound familiar?

The two scenarios described above translate to any scenario in any environment. When we maintain our own personal discipline, our choice, we retain control of ourselves and how we move through our environments.

When we lose our personal discipline, also our choice, we give control away to other people, external circumstances, and the inevitable randomness of life. We drift and become the plaything of circumstances.

More discipline, more choice, more control. Better options. Higher standards. Improved
                                                          skill. More flexibility.

Less discipline, less choice, less control. Fewer options. Lower standards. Inadequate
                                                           skill. Less flexibility.

Go test this deeper understanding of discipline, what it is, how it works, and why it works. Observe yourself throughout the day. Observe other people. Measure these words against what you observe. Get out in the field and do the work.


Prime Spot!!!


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