Former President Jacob Zuma added to a day of high drama yesterday, when he refused to make any submission to the Constitutional Court, about what sanction he should face for his alleged criminal contempt.
He went as far as stating in a 21-page letter to Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng that he was ready to become a prisoner of the Constitutional Court.
This happened hours after the Chief Justice revealed that former finance minister Pravin Gordhan had approached him to ask how his close friend judge Dhaya Pillay did during a previous round of interviews to fill a ConCourt position – six years ago.
Radio Islam discussed the latest developments around the Constitutional Court with SA First Forum’s Advocate Rod Solomons
Mesmerising Morocco
Rabia Mayet | 07 December 2024 3-minute read Morocco, officially the Kingdom of Morocco, is a country in the Maghreb region of North Africa. It overlooks the Mediterranean Sea to the north and the Atlantic Ocean to the west. Islam is both...