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Duaa – Part 1

We continue with our over-arching theme of Preparation for Ramadhan. Last week in keeping with Isra and Meraj, our focus was on Salaah. This week our focus will be on Duaa – an important part of our Deen, which we should regularly engage in, but we should endeavour to increase during the Blessed month of Ramadhan. It is therefore imperative to try and understand:

What is Duaa?
Duaa – an Arabic word written in English letters. Three small letters that make up a word and a subject that is large and breath-taking. This word ‘duaa’ could be roughly translated to mean supplication or invocation, although neither word adequately does justice in defining duaa. Supplication, which means communicating with a deity, comes closer than invocation which is known to sometimes imply summoning spirits or devils.

In Islamic terminology duaa is the act of supplication. It is calling out to Allah; it is a conversation with Allah, our Creator, our Lord, the All Knowing, and the All Powerful. In fact the word is derived from the Arabic root meaning to call out or to summon. Duaa is uplifting, empowering, liberating and transforming and it is one of the most powerful and effective acts of worship a human being can engage in. Duaa has been called the weapon of the believer. It affirms a person’s belief in One Allah and it shuns all forms of idolatry or polytheism. Duaa is essentially submission to Allah and a manifestation of a person’s need for Allah.

At this point in understanding exactly what duaa is, it is very common for people to loosely translate the word duaa as prayer. Now on the other hand many people, especially when trying to explain to a non-Muslim what Salaah is, translate Salaah as prayer, it is therefore very confusing to new Muslims because duaa and salaah are now both translated as prayer. It is thus imperative to understand the huge difference between Duaa and Salaah. Salaah, is one of the pillars of Islam, in fact the second most important pillar, and in performing the five daily prayers a Muslim actually engages in a physical form of Duaa by asking Allah to grant them Paradise through their actions. Throughout the prayer one also supplicates to Allah directly.
For Muslims prayer is a set of ritual movements and words performed at fixed times, five times per day. Prayer is an act of worship, in which a Muslim reaffirms his belief in One God and demonstrates his gratefulness. It is a direct connection between God and the believer and it is an obligation.

Duaa on the other hand is a Muslims way of feeling that connection to Allah at any time, in any place. Muslims call on Allah frequently throughout the day and night. They raise their hands in supplication and ask for His help, mercy, and forgiveness. Duaa incorporates praise, thanksgiving, hope, and calling on Allah to assist the one in need and grant his or her requests.
Duaa can be made for the individual, their family, friends, strangers, those in dire circumstances, for the believers, and even for the whole of humanity. When making the duaa it is acceptable to ask for good in this worldly life and in the hereafter. A person making dua should not hold back, but ask Allah to grant both the largest and smallest requests.


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