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Effective Exam Tips for Parents and Learners: Part 5

For Parents – Help them create a connection with Allah
As parents, we need to take every opportunity possible to encourage our children to turn to Allah. The exams are a great time to encourage this since it is a time when our kids might feel pressurized and they might feel as if they need all the help they can get. There are various ways by which we can encourage them to turn to Allah and build a connection…

Make Salaah their pegs
Time management is key to studying in the most effective way for exams. While every child is unique in how, where, and when they study, it’s best to help your kid build a schedule that works around essential tasks. Most important among these is the five daily Salaah.

For example, many students prefer studying through the night. If your kid is one of them, then instead of advising them to start after supper, rather advise them to start after Esha. Alternatively, if your kid is more of a morning person, advise them to get up early for Fajr and start studying straight after Fajr. Explain to them that starting off a study session or ending off a study session with Salaah will definitely attract the help of Allah.

Teach them Dua before, during, and after
This is one of the most effective ways for your child to build a friendship with Allah during the exam period. Besides the general Dua on the Musalla after Salaah, teach them to speak to Allah at all times. Sitting on a Musalla is not a prerequisite for Dua. Advise them to speak to Allah before they open their books to study and before they receive the paper in the exam room. Even during the exam, if they cannot recall an answer tell them to ask Allah silently. After the paper, ask them if they thanked Allah for making it easy. Remember, it’s not only about the exams. If they make this a habit, they will keep this friendship and wherever they go in life, they will always know that Allah is with them. This is the main thing.

For Learners – Be grateful and be humble
“I only got 80 out of 100! Why me? I wanted a 90 at least! I am such a failure…
“I did it again! Why do I always manage to top everything even though I never really study?”

The above statements are not made up. Maybe not in these exact words but students actually say this. There are two kinds of people mentioned above…

One extreme is never being satisfied with where you are. And the other is trying too little and being arrogant. Allah does not like extremes. Just try to be somewhere in the middle. Say Alhamdulilah and understand that no matter how smart you are, it’s a blessing from Allah.

And no matter how much you are lacking behind, there are people in much worse situations. It’s not the end of the world.

Allah says in the Quraan:
And [remember] when your Lord proclaimed, ‘If you are grateful, I will surely increase you [in favor]…(14:7)

As we conclude this discussion, always remember these words…

Nothing is impossible for Allah and no exam is bigger than life itself!


Prime Spot!!!


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