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Eyecare Awareness Month: A blood product providing relief


2 min read | 13:07 pm CAT

It is Eyecare Awareness Month, and the South African National Blood Services hosted an Eye Serum Lab visit yesterday to celebrate this momentous occasion. The SA Blood Services has been involved with eye care treatment for 20 years.

To date, SANBS has produced 1674 batches of Serum eyedrops, relieving about 1680 patients suffering from dry eye syndrome. The serum eye drops (SEDs) manufactured at SANBS headquarters in Johannesburg are produced from the serum component of autologous (one’s own) or allogeneic (another person’s) blood donations. Eye drops generally manage severe ocular surface diseases (OSD), including dry eye syndrome.

In an interview with Radio Islam International, the Head of the Cellular Therapy Laboratory at SANBS, Riana Cockeran, said using the serum eyedrops works in two different sections from the regular eye drops.

“The serum eyedrops not only lubricates the eye but it also mimics natural tears, making the eyes less dry and been able to function as well as seeing better,” she says.

According to Cockeran, in the event of not attending to a problem regarding eyesight and eyecare, it can deteriorate substantially and sometimes very quickly, to the point of not being able to see or focus properly and therefore not being able to do things daily.

She said the serum eyedrops could be requested from SANBS at  However, they can only be ordered by an opthalmologist or a treating physician and, unfortunately, not directly from patients.

The serums eyedrops are a natural product containing no preservatives but can go off in the freezer. The product has a shelf life of six months.

Listen below to the interview with Muft Yusuf Moosagie and Riana Cockeran on Radio Islam’s podcast. 


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