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Fifty Salaah Becomes Five – Part 4


It was during this great miraculous journey of Me`raj that Nabi ﷺ explained that Salaah was ordained upon his Ummat. The lengthy Hadith of Bukhari Shareef explains it in these words: Thereafter, 50 times Salaah became compulsory upon me. When I returned to Hadhrat Moosa (AS), he asked me what I had done for my Ummah, I said 50 times Salaah have been made compulsory on me. Moosa (AS) replied, “I know people better then you. I tried very much with the Bani Israeel (they were unable to properly discharge their compulsory daily Salaah), certainly your Ummah too will not be able to perform it. If you so wish, you may request your Lord to reduce it”. I returned in the presence of Allah Ta’ala and requested Him to reduce it. Allah Ta’ala reduced it to 40 times Salaah. Moosa (AS) again repeated what he had mentioned before. I then requested Allah to reduce the Salaah and it was reduced to thirty. Moosa (AS) again asked me to request Allah Ta’ala to again reduce it and it was brought down to twenty, then Moosa (AS) repeated what he had suggested to me earlier on and after requesting Allah, it was reduced to ten. I returned to Moosa (AS) and he repeated his advice, so I returned to Allah Ta’ala to request for more relief and Allah Ta’ala reduced it to 5 times Salaah daily. I returned to Moosa (AS) and he again repeated what he had said before. I informed him that I have accepted and decided to make no further request.

Thereupon, a call was heard from Allah Ta’ala that “I have retained the ordinance of Salaah and made it easy on my servants and multiplied the reward of every good deed tenfold. (I.e. Even though there are only 5 times Salaah to be performed, the reward will be for fifty). This narration appears in Sahih Bukhari on page 455.

In Sahih Bukhari on page 471 Hadhrat Anas Bin Maalik (RA) narrates the incident of Meraj on the medium of Hadhrat Abu Zar (RA). After mentioning the welcoming words of Hadhrat Ibrahim (AS), Rasulullah (SAW) says: “Jibraeel (AS) ascended higher up with me until I reached a point from where the screech of pens could be heard. Thereafter, a mention is made of 50 times Salaah being ordained and of Moosa (AS) urging Nabi (SAW) until eventually 5 times Salaah become compulsory. At the end of this Hadith, it is mentioned that Allah Ta’ala said: “That which is said by me does not change (i.e. since I had initially made 50 times Salaah). Concerning the Sidratul Muntaha Rasulullah (SAW) has said that it was veiled in such resplendent colours of which I have no knowledge. I was then ushered into Jannah where I saw a dome of Pearls and its sand consisted of Musk.
On page 548 Hadhrat Imam Bukhari (RA) has also mentioned the Hadith of Meraj reported by Hadhrat Maalik Bin Sasa Ansari (RA) on the authority of Hadhrat Anas (RA). Here too, after mentioning the Baitul Ma’amoor, Rasulullah (SAW) said that “Three vessels one of wine, another of milk and a third one containing honey were brought before me. When I chose the one with the milk, Jibraeel (AS) remarked, “This is nature (i.e. The Deen of Islam which you are and your Ummah are practicing). In the narration it is also mentioned that when only 5 times Salaah remained, then Moosa (AS) told Rasulullah (AS) to again request Allah Ta’ala to reduce the number of Salaah. Rasulullah (SAW) said: “I have asked my Lord so much that I am now ashamed” (of going again) However, I am satisfied and have accepted (Bukhari).

Two Other Gifts Besides Salaah
On the night of Meraj, apart from the gift of Salaah and the promised reward of 50 times Salaah in place of five Salaah from Allah Ta’ala, other bounties of Allah included the revelation of the last few verses of Surah Al Baqarah, at the same time, it was also announced that the major sins of those people in the Ummah of Rasulullah ﷺ who do not ascribe partners with Allah will be forgiven (Muslim page 97 Vol. 1). What this means is that they will not suffer eternal punishment on account of their major sins. They will be returned either through Tawba, and seeking Allah’s forgiveness, or after first being punished for their sins. (An-Nawawi). A Kaafir (non-believer) and Mushrik (idolater) will, however, remain in punishment forever.


Prime Spot!!!


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