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Gardening for kids

Bright ideas for kids:
how can you encourage your children to garden this summer? transforming a bare pitch into a garden of flowers and vegetables is entirly acheivable in a short time. it is fun and edicational for kids who learn about plants the seasons wildlife soil and how to grow their own food. 


to reatin a childs interest start a garden with the easiest and fastest growing plants. this includes brightly coloured annuals such as naturiums and vegetables that are relatively pest-free and quick to mature. here is alist of plants that will impress children.


sunflowers are popular because they grow to impressive heights. sow seeds directly into the ground in a n open sunny spot. the emerging plants need little aftercare apart from regularly watering.


other popular annuals for children include nasturiums marigolds  and slyssum the first two are brightly coloured and attractive and butterflies and bees love alyssum. sow seeds now by scattering them on moist soil and gently raking them in. water everyday with a fine sprinkler. pumkins can be grown by placing seeds between two or three layers of damp kitchen towel. put the parcel in a plastic container and leave in a cupboar. the children can check to see whether the seeds have sprouted. as soon as they have plant them in small pots put in a partially shaded place and water regularly  


 courtesy of Kay Montgomery


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