Molasse water for enriching the soil and increasing the microbes in the soil. Put half a cup of molasse in 9 liter of water. Pour it over the soil every 3 months
Earthworm castings is very diverse in microbes. It is the poo of the red wickler earthworm. Use 1 cup per square meter of soil every 6 months. Just put it over the soil and put leaf mould or compost over it
Mothballs takes away all insects and even birds. Put 5 mothballs in a bank plastic bag with 3 holes in the bottom. Hang the bag in the top op your fruittree or hang it on a pole between your vegetables. To keep insects away. Very good to fight against psylla on lemon trees agricultural lime is very important in the garden to put calcium back into the soil. Use 1 or 2 times per year. There is 3 different types of agricultural lime. Don’t use the dolomitic lime, because of too high amount of magnesium. Rather use claybuster (lime + sulphur) or calcitric lime
Psylla, aphids, australian mealie bugs or any citrus pest…..spray 2 to 3 times a week with: 1 teaspoon of Scrubbs Ammonia + 15ml of applecider vinegar + 15ml of epsom salt on 1 liter of water. Stop spraying when the flowers start to develop
To grow citrus trees filled with fruit and no pests: give talborne vegetable fertilizer and 1 cup of earthworm castings. Put thick layer of leaf mulch over it. Spray the leafs weekly with Trelmix….1ml on 1 liter of water