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GNU parties urged to hold President Ramaphosa accountable for Phala Phala scandal

Azra Hoosen |
25 June 2024 | 14:00 CAT
2 min read

Political parties within the government of National Unity (GNU) have chosen to sidestep the controversy surrounding Phala Phala, with the Democratic Alliance (DA) stating they will not pursue the matter further without concrete evidence of President Cyril Ramaphosa’s wrongdoing.

This stance has prompted the Organisation Undoing Tax Abuse (Outa) to call on GNU parties to ensure accountability.

Wayne Duvenhage of Outa believes the DA considers it fruitless to persist in pursuing the matter until further evidence emerges. Outa is hopeful that new, undeniable, and compelling evidence will surface, prompting a reopening of the process and ensuring that the GNU does not turn a blind eye to solid evidence.

“No one is above the law, but there is nothing substantive enough yet, we need facts and proof,” he said.

Duvenhage expressed concern regarding Ace Magashule, emphasising the ANC’s inconsistent application of its step-aside rules and ethics assessments.

“We saw Magashule being asked to step aside based on evidence presented in court. Then he resigned. Now, we see the door being open for him to return as an MP,” he said.

Duvenhage asserted that we cannot afford to have our parliamentary seats occupied by individuals implicated to the extent that he has been. Now there will be significant scrutiny on the nature of these appointments.

“If the ANC is going to start cleaning up its act as a party that said it’s going through a renewal process, it will have to do something about the noose around its neck and that is that it’s known as a corrupt party,” he said.

He pointed out numerous questions and connections that could link Gwede Mantashe and Blade Nzimande to maladministration. “We would be surprised if those two alone would find their way into cabinet position,” said Duvenhage.

LISTEN to the full interview with Ml Junaid Kharsany and Wayne Duvenhage of Outa here.



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