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Guantanamo Bay Eleventh Anniversary – Taji Mustafa


Monday 20130114 –  January the 11th marks the eleventh anniversary since the first inmates were air-lifted to Guantanamo Bay, a symbol of USA’s `Justice’ system.   Ml Yusuf Omar interviewed UK Spokesman for Hizb ut-Tahrir, Taji Mustafa.

Brother Taji mentioned that the USA portrays itself to the world as being the global beacon of Human Rights and the bastion for democracy and freedom.  However, it’s evident that the US’s values have shown that kidnapping is acceptable, torture is acceptable and indefinite incarceration of Muslims without trial is acceptable.

Anthropologist, Dr. Mark Mason said,"The United States has an operation that can only be described as a medieval torture chamber.  It’s in violation of Geneva Convention, and in violation of the US constitution. It violates legal principles such as trial by jury that goes back thousands of years,"




Taji also mentioned that the Muslim Leaders in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc. have sold-out their citizens by co-operating and supporting the US in its so-called ‘War on Terror’.  Many of their people, fathers and sons, were abducted by their own Government and handed over to the US.  Some of which have been languishing in prison for over 11 years.
Shockingly, out of the 166 prisoners who are reported by outside sources to remain in Guantanamo, more than half have been cleared and are actually due for release. But they won’t be allowed to leave.

He mentioned that many of the Muslim leaders choose to remain silent on the oppressions that are blatantly carried out on Muslims around the world.  Some Muslim regimes not only turn a blind eye to this crisis, but even use Muslim money to buy soccer clubs viz. Abu Dhabi who spent 1 Billion Pounds for a football club in the UK. 
Obama ordered Guantanamo Bay shut within a year early in 2009, and still promised he would do so during his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech later this year.
Aisha Maniar, from the London Guantanamo Campaign, said, “After 11 years, Guantanamo has immense symbolic power. To all those who believe in justice, truth and the rule of law it represents a continuing injustice.”





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