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Healing remedies with honey

More than 1400 years ago Allah and His messenger told us that honey can heal a variety of medical problems.

Allah Says (what means): "And the Lord inspired the bee, saying: Take your habitations in the mountains and in the trees and in what they erect. Then, eat of all fruits and follow the ways of your Lord made easy (for you)'. There comes forth from their bellies a drink of varying colors wherein is healing for men. Verily in this is indeed a sign for people who think." [Quran 16:68-69]
The Prophet S.A.W.  Has also told us of the healing found within honey for a variety of medical problems, including stomach ailments. It is reported by Al-Bukhaari that a man came to the Prophet S.A.W.  Because his brother had a stomach disorder. The Prophet S.A.W said: "Let him drink honey." The man returned a second time complaining that no improvement happened in his brother’s case, and again the Prophet S.A.W responded: "Let him drink honey." The man returned again, and said: "I have done that but to no avail." Thereupon the ProphetS.A.W responded: "Allah has said the truth, but your brother's stomach has told a lie. Let him drink honey." He drank it and was cured.

Afternoon Fatigue: At 3:00pm (or when the body is feeling fatigued), drink 1/2 Tablespoon of honey in a glass of water and sprinkled with cinnamon powder. Energy will increase within one week if taken daily.

Honey Relieves Coughs: Here's a recipe boil a whole lemon slowly for 10 minutes. Cut the lemon in 2 and extract the juice. Add juice to a 4 oz glass. Then add 2 Tablespoons of glycerin and fill the remaining glass with honey. Dosage: 1 teaspoon during the day. Stir with spoon before taking. If you have a night-time cough, take 1 teaspoon right before retiring and then another one during the night. If your cough is severe, take concoction every 4 hours starting with when you wake up. As the cough gets better, you take less and less.

Next time you have a cold (or anytime you need a good pick-me-up), try a warm, soothing Honey, ginger and lemon tea  Honey, ginger and lemon have long been used in home remedies as they all have cold fighting properties and taste great together! Doctors recommend drinking lots of fluids when you have a cold – by adding these powerful natural ingredients, you can help ease cold symptoms and fight the cold itself while you stay hydrated.

Honey and cinnamon paste
Honey and cinnamon have been used in oriental and Ayurvedic treatments for many years. Both honey and cinnamon have anti-microbial properties to help stop the growth of bacteria, and they can help soothe a sore throat too. Mix 1 teaspoon of honey with 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon to form a paste. Take this 2-3 times a day to help provide relieve from cold symptoms.

Using honey to prevent allergies and hay fever
There is a lot of anecdotal evidence that taking pure (raw, unfiltered) local honey can help calm or prevent seasonal allergies and hay fever. This is based on the theory of immunotherapy, which basically means that taking honey (which contains small amounts of spores) helps your body build up resistance over time – like a gradual vaccination, however there isn’t much conclusive scientific proof of this (yet). As the spores found in honey are in quite small amounts, they shouldn’t trigger an allergic reaction. For best results, look for honey at your local farmers market – locally produced honey will be most effective as it contains pollen from plants commonly found where you live and work – the closer, the better. It is recommended that you take 2 teaspoons a day, starting a couple of months before the hay fever season hits (not recommended for children under the age of 5 or people with compromised immune systems).

Using honey to boost your energy
Honey is a great natural energy booster and is much better for you than coffee or caffeine filled energy drinks! Honey offers sustained energy – it has a low to medium GI and and some athletes even use honey to help performance endurance and ease muscle fatigue. Take a teaspoon or dissolve in some water or warm milk for a pick-me-up at any time of the day.
Using honey to treat wounds, burns and cuts
Honey has strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, so it can be really effective in the treatment of wounds, cuts and burns (including sunburn). Honey was used to treat burns and wounds during World War I and many medical professionals still use honey today. It promotes healing, prevents the dressing from sticking to the wound and may also help reduce swelling and scarring. . To help heal a small wound, cut or burn, dress it daily with sterilized gauze brushed with honey. For more severe wounds, seek professional medical assistance first.


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