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Health benefits and home remedies of guavas

Many of you might have tasted this mouth-watering treat, or at least have seen it or heard about it. Guava is very common in Asian countries. It is a good looking pear shaped or round shaped seasonal fruit, light green or yellow or maroon in colour from outside when ripe, with white or maroon flesh and lots of small hard seeds enveloping very soft and sweet pulp. It is eaten raw (ripe or semi-ripe) or in form of jams and jellies. This attractive fruit is a real storehouse of nutrients. If it is “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” in Europe and Americas, it must be “A few guavas in the season keeps the doctor away for the whole year” in the Indian Subcontinent and places where guavas grow. Its scientific name is Psidium Guajava.

The nutritious guava is a super fruit that not only provides many health benefits to those who eat it, but also is a light fruit you can carry around with you as a healthy snack.

Like most fruits, guavas are excellent sources of vitamin C. This antioxidant vitamin has many health benefits to the body. Vitamin C prevents damage to organs and tissue such as the eyes, heart and arteries. Vitamin C also protects against heart disease and lessens the effects of colds and coughs as well as prevents scurvy.

Prevents Cancer

Guava is an excellent source of a carotenoid called lycopene that has the health benefit of preventing cancer.

Promotes a Healthy Colon

Guava contains an estimated 9 grams of fiber per cup. Guava is an excellent source of fiber and as a result it has the health benefit of cleaning out the intestine, aiding in digestion and lessening the risk of developing colon cancer.


The use of guava is another effective home remedy for palpitation of the heart. The patient should eat a ripe guava daily on an empty stomach. It is especially beneficial if this disorder caused by nervousness and anaemia.

Cough & Cold:

Juice of raw and immature guavas or decoction of guava-leaves is very helpful in giving relief in cough and cold by loosening cough, reducing mucus, disinfecting the respiratory tract, throat and lungs and inhibiting microbial activity due to its astringent properties. Guava is one of richest in vitamin-C and iron which are proven to be preventive against cold and viral infections. In some areas in India, roasted ripe guava is used as a remedy against extreme cases of cough and cold and congestion.

High Blood Pressure:

 Guava helps reduce cholesterol in blood and prevents it from thickening, thereby maintaining fluidity of blood and reducing blood pressure. Studies have shown that food stuffs which lack fibre (such a refined flour) add to blood pressure, due to quick conversion to sugar. Guava, being very rich in fibre and hypoglycaemic in nature, helps reduce blood pressure.

Weight Loss:

 Guava is very helpful for those who want to lose weight without compromising with their intake of proteins, vitamins and fibre. Guava, being very high in roughage and very rich in vitamins, proteins and minerals, but with no cholesterol and less digestible carbohydrates, is very filling and satisfies appetite very easily. Just have a medium sized guava in the lunch and you will not feel hungry till night. But ironically, it helps gaining weight in lean and thin people. This is probably due to its richness in nutrients, which keeps your metabolism right helping proper absorption of nutrients.

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