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Health benefits of and home remedies of dates/khajoor the wonder fruit (18.06.15)



Muslims generally break their fast by eating dates. Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) is reported to have said: “if anyone of you is fasting, let him break his fast with dates. In case he does not have them, then with water. Verily water is a purifier.”


The Prophet (sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) used to break his fast by eating some dates before offering Maghrib prayer, and if ripe dates were not available, he used to substitute them with some dried grapes. When they too were not available, he used to have a few sips of water, according to some reports.



1. Khadrawi
Khadrawi is a classic soft variety, with a rich flavor that’s not too sweet.

2. Dayri
A date for date lovers, it has a strong flavor with a hint of vanilla. Large and luxurious, it’s dry like a medjool but less sweet.

3. Amber
A dry date with a pretty color and shape, it has a very sweet cinnamon flavor.

4. Yellow Barhi
Barhi dates are unusual in that they can be eaten not fully ripe, when they have the crisp texture of an apple and a flavor that is fresh and slightly astringent. Yellow barhis are considered a delicacy in old-world date-growing regions. They are available during fall at Flying Disc Ranch.

5. Kustawi
This is a fine dessert date for eating out of hand, with an elegant “date-y” flavor that isn’t cloying.

6. Zahidi
Zahidi is sometimes known as the “butter date” for its pale color and subtle flavor. It’s a mild and likable variety for people who think they don’t like dates.

7. Medjool
Known as the “queen of dates” for its large size, pillowy texture, and very sweet, strong flavor, it is surely the most famous date in America, although its name means “unknown.” The variety is available at most specialty groceries year-round.

8. Deglet Noor
The deglet noor is a prime example of the dry category. It’s chewy and medium-sweet, with a complex flavor that is nutty and evocative of brown sugar.

9. Barhi
A fully ripe barhi shows the soft date varieties at their most sensual: luscious and full-bodied in flavor, with a delicate skin and melting texture. The taste is reminiscent of caramel pudding.


1. It usefulness increases in winter as it has heating effect.

2. Date is more nutrition than dry date. Date is available in winter.

3. If the appetite is good then it is profitable to eat date.

4. You can eat dry date whole year as it is available in the market whole year.

5. Dry date provides strength to the stomach.

6. Dry date has heating effect and it gives relaxation in pulse pain.

7. Dry date considers in dried fruits which made body robust. Dry date is used along with dry fruits to get strength.

8. Dry date and date provides power to the heart. It increases the blood in the body.

9. This gives benefit to particularly sciatica people. Mucus from the lung of patients with asthma slips easily.

10. Date helps in removing paralysis and chest pain.

11. Remove the pulp of dry date and cook in milk to increase appetite. Grind it after cooking for a while. This milk is very nutritious. It increases appetite and food is digested.

12. Leucorrhoea disease is a serious disease in women. Grind the kernels of dry date in ghee and eat it with gopi chandan. Keep dry date in water. Mash by hand when they thaw. Use the water for a few days it will remove the physical irritation.

13. If you are thin and want to increase weight then dry date is very good for you. But if you are fat then you should eat it carefully.

14. If you are suffering from cold then add 5 pieces of date in milk. 5 piece of black pepper, 1 piece elaichi and boil it properly. Add one teaspoon ghee in it and drink it in night. Cold and cough remove absolutely.

15. Eat 2 dry dates morning-evening if you have asthma. It gets rid of from cough and cold.

16. If you have wound then depreciated the kernel of the dry date with stone and apply it on wound. The wound will heal quickly.


Prime Spot!!!


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