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Health benefits of sweet potatoes

How sweet it is for your health to eat sweet potatoes! Not only do they taste like dessert, but they provide some surprising health benefits. Many people think about sweet potatoes as being nothing more than plain old potatoes that can tweak our taste buds with some extra flavor. Yet cutting-edge research on sweet potatoes tells us that nothing could be further from the truth as they have so many unique nutritional benefits to offer!
The sweet potato is one of the most nutritious foods in the world

Sweet potato has anti-inflammatory properties thanks to the vitamin C, vitamin B6, beta-carotene, and manganese it contains. They are just as effective in curing both internal and external inflammations. Lowered inflammation has been shown in brain tissue and nerve tissue throughout the body following the consumption of sweet potato.

Sweet potatoes are rich in beta-cryptoxanthin, which has been found to help in the prevention of chronic inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis. Studies have found that those who ate foods rich in beta-cryptoxanthin were 50% less likely to develop inflammatory arthritis than those who ate very of those foods. Just one serving per day of foods containing beta-cryptoxanthin, such as sweet potatoes, provided significant benefit.

Sweet potatoes are used as estrogen replacement therapy, as well as for managing menstrual problems and osteoporosis. Other uses include reducing diverticulitis, which is an ailment of the intestines; gallbladder complaints; and arthritis

Blood Sugar The carotenoids in sweet potato can help your body respond to insulin and stabilize your blood sugar. Sweet potatoes also have a significant amount of Vitamin B6, helping resistance to diabetic heart disease. Their high content of soluble fiber aids in lowering both blood sugar and cholesterol, and their abundance of chlorogenic acid may help decrease insulin resistance.

Stomach Ulcers
Sweet potato is soothing for the stomach. The B vitamins, vitamin C, potassium, beta-carotene, and calcium they contain help in the healing of stomach ulcers. The fiber in sweet potatoes helps prevent constipation and acidity, consequently reducing the possibility of ulcers. The anti-inflammatory properties of sweet potatoes also soothe the pain and inflammation of ulcers.

Digestive Tract

Sweet potatoes are a good source of dietary fiber, helping to promote a healthy digestive system. Research has found that they may also help to cleanse heavy metals such as arsenic and mercury from the digestive tract.


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