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Herbs for flu


You can beat a winter cold by growing herbs

Common garden thyme, taken as a tea, relieves cough and colds, and used as pour one cup of boiling water over a quarter cup of fresh thyme figs.

Graet fresh root horesreddish on a slice of bread and butter twice a day will help break down mucous, ease a tight sore throat, build up resistance and loosen that cough.

Anissed or anise is also a relaxing expectorant and antiseptic that helps to clear mucus from the body. Its biggest virtue is that it is anti-spasmodic, making it particularly useful for those suffering from asthmatic coughs and tight bronchial wheezing and coughing. Simmer together for 10 min in a double boiler – 1 tablespoon aniseed, 3 tablespoons honey and the juice of two lemons. Cool and bottle. Take two teaspoon directly from the bottle frequently to ease a tight cough.

Immune system builder

Parsley is so chlorophyll rich and so abounded in minerals, vitamins and trace elements, that it is actually being rediscovered scientifically as one of the herbs that builds resistance in infection, say Roberts. The best way to eat parsley is to cut up a teaspoon of fresh parsley a day- sprinkle over your food.

The have been used in folk medicine to ward off flu and colds – thereby making a person so strong that no infection could find a foothold.

All varieties of the onion family are natural antibiotics and therefore nature’s immune builders, They include chives, springs onions flat leaf chives and garlic chives.



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