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Here are nine excellent strategies for snoring (07.05.15)

1. Sleep on your side, not your back — The reason why sleeping on your side instead of your back is recommended is because snoring is often due to lax muscles in your throat and tongue. When you lie on your back your throat and tongue muscles ease backward in your throat, causing a vibration as you struggle to breathe. An old folk remedy recommends sewing a tennis ball on the back of your pajamas to help keep you off your back while you sleep.

2. Raise the head of your bed – This simple tip can also help diminish the collapsing of your airways. Simply raise the head of your bed about four inches, by placing blocks or wedges under your mattress.

3. Normalize your weight — Carrying extra weight around your neck can also cause your throat to narrow when you lay down, hence the higher incidence of snoring if you’re overweight. Normalizing your body weight could make a big difference. Reducing grains and sugars  is a great way to accomplish that.

4. Do throat and tongue exercises — If they are stronger they are less likely to slip backward.

Here’s an example of one such exercise: Begin by simply putting your upper and lower molars together, lightly. Next, open your mouth, focusing on pressing your molars as wide apart as you can, without over stretching. Repeat this ten to twenty times. After about 5 to 10 times you should feel your jaw muscles strengthening, and the back of your mouth opening up.

5. Use a steam bowl – Putting your head over a steam bowl and covering it with a towel, just before going to bed, can also work wonders to clear out, and reduce any swelling in your nasal airway that might be a contributing factor. Also keep your sleeping environment as clean and dust free as possible.

6. Use nasal strips – If your problem stems from obstruction in your nasal passageway, using nasal air strips can help increase airflow.

7. Avoid SLEEP AID DRUGS and Alcohol, and other muscle relaxing or sleep aid drugs will relax your tongue and throat muscles even more, making your snoring worse.

8. Avoid milk – Yes, drinking milk, especially at night, can also make snoring worse as it leaves a layer of mucus in your mouth and throat, so stick to plain water.

9. Avoid big meals late in the evening — Don’t eat a big meal right before bed time. If your stomach is full it can push up against your diaphragm, further limiting your ability to breathe easy.

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