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High blood pressure/hypertension


Garlic is regarded as an effective means of lowering blood pressure. It is said to reduce spasms of the small arteries. It also slows down the pulse rate and modifies the heart rhythm, besides relieving the symptoms of dizziness, numbness, shortness of breath, and the formation of gas within the digestive tract. It may be taken in the form of raw cloves or 2 to 3 capsules a day.


Lemon is also regarded as a valuable food to control high blood pressure. It is a rich source of vitamin P, which is found both in the juice, and the peel of the fruit. This vitamin is essential for preventing capillary fragility.


Grapefruit is useful in preventing high blood pressure. The vitamin P content in the fruit is helpful in toning up the arteries.


Watermelon is another valuable safeguard against high blood pressure. A substance extracted from the watermelon seeds is said to have a definite action in dilating the blood vessels, which results in lowering the blood pressure. The seeds, dried and roasted, should be taken in liberal quantities.


Rice has a low-fat, low-cholesterol, and low-salt content. It makes a perfect diet for those hypersensitive persons who have been advised salt-restricted diets. Calcium in brown rice, in particular, soothes and relaxes the nervous system and helps relieve symptoms of high blood pressure.


Potatoes, especially in boiled form, are a valuable food for lowering blood pressure. When boiled with their skin, they absorb very little salt. Thus they can form a useful addition to a salt-free diet recommended for patients with high blood pressure. Potatoes are rich in potassium but not in sodium salts. The magnesium present in the vegetable exercises beneficial effects in lowering blood pressure.


Parsley is very useful in high blood pressure. It contains elements, which help maintain the blood vessels, particularly, the capillaries. It keeps the arterial system in a healthy condition. It may be taken as a beverage by simmering 20gm of fresh parsley leaves gently in 250ml of water for a few minutes. This may be drunk several times a day.

Vegetable juices.

Raw vegetable juices, especially carrot and spinach juices, taken separately or in combination, is also beneficial in the treatment of high blood pressure. If taken in combination, 300ml of carrot juice and 200ml of spinach juice should be mixed to make 500ml or ½ litre of the juice, and taken daily. If taken separately, 1 glass should be taken twice daily, morning and evening.

Dietary considerations.

Persons with high blood pressure should always follow a well-balanced routine of a proper diet, exercise and rest. Diet is of primary importance. Meat and eggs, more than any other food, cause the blood pressure to rise.

The pressure can be lowered and blood clotting diminished by increasing the consumption of fruits, reducing protein intake, and sticking to a vegetarian diet. A natural diet consisting of fresh fruits and vegetables instead of a traditional diet, helps get rid of the toxins in the body. Salt should be avoided; in any case, it should not exceed more than 3grms or about ½ tsp. per day.

Other measures.

Exercise also plays an important role in curing hypertension. Walking is an excellent form of exercise. It helps to relieve tension, builds up the muscles and aids in the circulation of blood.

Persons suffering from hypertension must get at least 8 hours of good sleep, because proper rest is a vital aspect of the treatment. Most

important of all, the patient must avoid overstrain, worries, tension, anger, and haste. He or she must develop a calm and cheerful attitude and develop a contented frame of mind.


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