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His Name

Specialities of Nabi  

Another speciality of Nabi  is the Special name that was chosen for him.

On the seventh day after Rasulullah’s  birth, ‘Abdul Muttalib performed the ‘Aqeeqah and invited all the Quraysh to this function. He then proposed to keep the child’s name Muhammad. The Quraysh, startled by such an innovative name enquired: “O Abul Haaris! (This was the title of ‘Abdul Muttalib) Why do you propose to keep a name that was certainly not kept by your forefathers or any of your family members?” ‘Abdul Muttalib replied: “I propose to name him Muhammad (the praised one) because I want Allah  in the sky and His creation on the earth to praise him.”

Before the birth of Rasulullah , ‘Abdul Muttalib actually saw a dream that inspired him to keep the new-born child’s name Muhammad. He dreamt that an iron chain is being extracted from his back. One end of the chain is towards the sky and the other end is towards the earth. One end is towards the west and the other towards the east. A little while later, the chain transforms itself into a huge tree. Every leaf of the tree was glittering with brightness seventy times more intense than the brilliance of the sun. People from the east as well as the west are clinging onto its branches. Some of the Quraysh are also clinging onto this tree whilst a few others from the Quraysh are determined to chop it down. Whenever this group decides to approach the tree with this intention, a handsome young man comes and pushes them aside.

In interpretation of his dream, ‘Abdul Muttalib was informed that amongst his descendants, a boy will be born. People from the east to the west will follow him devotedly. The beings of the sky as well as the earth will sing his praises. This is why ‘Abdul-Muttalib kept his name Muhammad.

Whilst ‘Abdul Muttalib was reflecting over the name Muhammad, Rasulullah’s  mother, on the other hand, saw a pious dream in which she was informed that she is carrying the most saintly creation and the most supreme leader of the nations. She was directed to keep his name Muhammad or according to another narration, she was instructed to name him Ahmad.

Allah  also mentions the same two names in the Holy Quraan.

Muhammad: The origin of the name Muhammad is from the root letters of “Hamd”. The word actually refers to a person of praiseworthy attributes whose practical virtues, indisputable achievements and outstanding character is repeatedly glorified.

According to some people, Muhammad means, ‘that being in whom faultless character and commendable attributes are found on a perfectly flawless level’.

Abu Taalib would often recite the following stanza:

“Allah has extracted his (Muhammad’s) name from His own so that he may be exalted, so the one on the throne is Mahmood whilst this is Muhammad.”

Ahmad: This means the most praiseworthy person. And indisputably, he is the most praiseworthy in the entire creation. Nobody is more praiseworthy and nobody will ever be.

It can also mean one who praises and glorifies Allah  the most.

So the Prophet `s most common names come from the root which describes praise, why?

Because Allah has praised him and the angels have praised him, and the people on earth have praised him, and all the prophets have praised him and every single one of mankind praises him directly or indirectly.

As for praising him directly, these are the Muslims, they praise him directly. And as for praising him indirectly, then the characteristics and qualities that he has come with are characteristics and qualities of perfection, so even those who reject him by the tongue, they must admit and they must praise the qualities that he came with: mercy, tenderness, rahmah, shafaqa, it doesn’t matter even if their tongues deny his prophet-hood, they must praise the qualities that are in him. So he is worthy of praise from all of humanity.

And therefore, the Prophet  is praised in the heavens and in the earth. He is praised in the previous nations and in the present one. He is praised in this dunya and in the akhirah. This is the ultimate praise. There is no human being who has ever been praised or is praised at this point in time or who shall continue to be praised more than our Prophet . And think about it: no millisecond occurs on this earth except that there are, millions of people around the globe praising this one person  … either by sending durood and salaat and salaam or by giving a khutbah or lecture or by performing your Salaah (cause you cannot pray any Salaah, except that what do you do in that Salaah? Allahuma salli ‘ala Muhammad wa ‘ala aali Muhammad…).

Think about it. There is no second on earth that goes by except that millions of people are praising this one human being. There is no person who is more praised than our Prophet  (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).


Prime Spot!!!


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