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Home remedies for hair-loss

Loss of Hair
Information on Hair loss remedies, Hair loss prevention and Hair loss causes
Although hair is not essential to life, it is of sufficient cosmetic concern to provoke anxiety in anyone when it starts thinning, falling, or disappearing. To a woman, the sight of a comb or brush covered with lost hair can cause intense mental strain. Hair is formed in minute pockets in the skill called follicles. An up growth at the base of the follicle, called the papilla, actually produces hair when a special group of cells turn amino acids into keratin, a type of protein of which hair is made. The rate of production of these protein 'building blocks' determines hair growth. The average growth rate is about 1.2 cm per month, growing fastest on women between fifteen to thirty years of

Hair loss Symptoms
Lose hair found after combing, baths
Seeing hair on your clothes, after you comb, bald patches appearing gradually, receding hairline. Symptoms are pretty obvious for hair loss!

Hair Loss Causes
Lack of vitamins, inadequate nutrition
The most important cause of hair loss is inadequate nutrition. Persons lacking in vitamin B6 lose their hair and those deficient in folic acid often become completely bald. But the hair grows normally after the liberal intake of these vitamins.
Stress, Prolonged Illness, unclean conditions
Other important cause of hair loss are stress such as worry, anxiety, and sudden shock, general debility caused by severe or long standing illnesses like typhoid, syphilis, chronic cold, influenza, and anaemia; an unclean condition of the scalp which weakens the hair roots by blocking the pores with the collected dirt; and heredity.

Hair Loss Remedies, Hair loss prevention
Treatment for Hair Loss using Rubbing of Scalp
A vigorous rubbing of the scalp with fingers after washing the hair with cold water is one of the most effective among the several home remedies for the prevention and treatment of hair loss. The scalp should be rubbed vigorously till it starts to tingle with the heat. It will activate the sebaceous glands and energise the circulation of blood in the affected area, making the hair grow healthy.

Hair Loss home remedy using Amla Oil
Amla oil, prepared by boiling dry pieces of amla in coconut oil, is considered a valuable hair tonic for enriching hair growth. A mixture of an equal quantity of fresh amla juice and lime juice, used as a shampoo also stimulates hair growth and prevents hair loss.

Treatment for Hair Loss treatment using Lettuce
Lettuce is useful in preventing hair loss. A mixture of lettuce and spinach juice is believed to help the growth of hair if taken to the extent to half a litre a day

Home remedies for Hair Loss using Mustard Oil and Henna Leaves
Mustard oil, boiled with henna leaves, is useful for healthy growth of hair. About 250 ml of mustard oil should be boiled in a tin basin. About sixty grams of henna leaves should be gradually put in this oil till they are burnt in the oil. The oil should then be filtered using a cloth and stored. Regular massage of the head with the oil will produce abundant hair.

Treatment for Hair Loss using Coconut Milk
The application of coconut milk all over the scalp and massaging it into the hair roots is also beneficial in the treatment of hair loss. It nourishes the hair and promotes hair growth. Coconut milk is prepared by grinding the coconut shavings and squeezing them well.

Hair Loss treatment using Lime-Pepper Seeds
Certain home remedies have also been found beneficial in the treatment of patchy baldness. The most valuable of these remedies is the seeds of lime and black pepper, ground together to get a fine paste. This paste applied on the patches, has a mildly irritant action. This increases blood circulation to the affected area and stimulates hair growth. This paste should be applied twice a day, for a few weeks.

Hair Loss treatment using Other Remedies
Daily application of refined coconut oil, mixed with lime water and lime juice on the hair, prevents hair loss and lengthens it. Application of the juice of green coriander leaves on the head is also considered beneficial. Washing the hair with a paste of cooked black gram and fenugreek lengthens the hair. Regular use of castor oil as hair oil helps the luxuriant growth of the hair.

Hair loss prevention diet
Well balanced food intake
The healthy condition of the hair depends, to a very large extent, on the intake of sufficient amounts of essential nutrients in the daily diet. Persons with a tendency to lose hair should take a well-balanced and correct diet, made up of foods which, in combination, should supply all the essential nutrients. It has been found that a diet which contains liberal quantities of seeds, nuts, grains, vegetables and fruits would provide adequate amounts of all the essential nutrients. Each food group should roughly form the bulk of one of the three principal meals. These foods should, however, be supplemented with certain special foods such as milk, vegetable oils, honey, wheat germ, yeast and liver.


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