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How to get your new babies into BIG, beautiful blooming giants

– if you have collected – get them home and do not leave them in a hot car.

– Once home or if they have been delivered,store them in a lightly shaded cool spot.

– check if the trays are dry, especially the perimeter of the tray. The edges dry out quicker than the centre of the tray.

– Trays can be kept on hold for two to three days, provided you keep them well watered.
– we strongly suggest that you transplant only into well compost and fertilized soil that has been thoroughly watered and allowed to drain.

– Remove plugs from the tray by popping them cut from underneath, using a small stick or old pen. do not pull them out of the tray by their stems or leaves.

– when planting, be especially careful that you not bury the stem of seedling. this cannot be over-emphasized as most die back and plant loss is due to this sloppy planting. if you arc not planting yourself, c heck that your gardener is not burying the stems, irrespective of whether or not they are “old gardener” who have been planting out for years.

– after planting, water well and keep moist until new growth appears.

– Once your seedlings reach this stage it is better to water less frequently. however when you do water, water thoroughly so that you not wet only suffice but deep down as well. This will also encourage deeper roots and stronger, healthier plants.

– A foliar feeding programme will produce a display that will astound – you can use multifeed classic in the beginning. This foliar fertilizer will assist in the development of a healthy root system and good foliage growth.

– once the plants are established and ready to flower, change over to multifeed flowerrgro. the highier potash ie; potassium in the flowergro will not only encourage flowering but will also harden the plants fungal and insect attack


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