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How to Make Your Own Nontoxic Pesticides

Unwanted insects live in every garden. Combat destructive pests by using all-purpose, nontoxic sprays readily made from everyday household ingredients. Here are five options to try in your garden.

1. Mix a few drops of liquid detergent, a couple of hot peppers or pepper sauce, and one chopped garlic clove with water in a handheld spray bottle and take aim at the insects.

2. In a blender, puree three hot peppers, three white onions and one garlic bulb. (No need to peel anything.) Add 3 c. water to the mixture and soak overnight in a covered bowl. Strain with a cheesecloth and add enough water to the liquid solution to make 1 gallon of spray, for use in either a spray bottle or a 1-gallon garden sprayer for the whole garden.

3. Mix 1 c. vegetable oil with 1 tbsp. liquid dishwashing soap. Add 1 1/2 tsp. for every cup of warm water to a handheld spray bottle, or add entire mixture to a 1-gallon garden sprayer and fill with water. Spray entire plant, including the undersides of leaves.

4. Chop 10 to 15 garlic cloves into small pieces to soak in 1 pint mineral oil overnight. Strain and spray oil mixture directly on infestations.

5. Capture and crush 1/2 c. of a single kind of insect. Add 2 c. water and strain. Mix 1/4 c. of the solution and a few drops of liquid soap to water in a spray bottle and target the insect’s friends and relatives. Sounds gross, but this is a very effective species-specific control.

Tips: Unlike conventional pesticides, these home remedies biodegrade quickly, so for best results, hit infestations directly and reapply after wet weather and as needed.

Warnings: Some plants may be sensitive to the soapy or acidic ingredients. To guard against burning the foliage, test the spray on a small, inconspicuous area of leaves before spraying the entire plant.

Build a bird feeder and experiment by putting out different types of food on the feeders. Make a list of all the different types of birds that visit your garden. Build a bird drinking fountain or a fish pond, preferably with a central island for birds to rest on in safety from domestic cats. Stock your pond with fish and tadpoles from a local lake or river to encourage fish eating birds to visit your garden.

Courtesy of lifestyle


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