10 steps to successful seedlings
1. One 1kg bag of seedling food is sufficient to cover an area of 5 square meters. Most of our trays cover between 3 & 5 square meters.
2. Prepare your bed with compost. As a general rule one 30dm bag of compst to 5 sqaure mteres is enough.
3. Sprinkle the seedling food over the entire area to be planted. you should dig it lightly into the soil with the compost.
4. Water the area
5. You are now ready to plant your seedlings
6. Planting is best done during the cool hours of the day.
7. Do not pull the seedlings out by the stems. Pops them out from the bottom of the tray using a stick or a bic pen.
8. Do not bury the stems. The soil in the ground after planting should flush with the soil of the plug. In our experience the biggest seedling losses are as a result of planting too deeply.
9. water the area again
10. Foliar feed with Nitrosol, Multifeed or Seagro on a weekly basis.
Seedling Care
1.Water seedlings when they arrive
2. Keep in lightly shaded spot.
3. Keep edges wet
4. Do not pull out by stems , pop out from the bottom
5. Do not bury stems