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Islam and Politics

The Place of Politics in Islam

We are just a few weeks away from elections, and as Muslims, it is important for us to understand, that where do we stand on this subject.

Right from the outset, it should be noted that nowadays there is much confusion with regards to the place of politics in Islam, and views about the relation between Islam and politics are polarised between two extreme positions.

The first is that of secularism: –

Under this ideology, Islam is, like religion in general, a personal matter concerning only the individual and no one else, and that politics and the government have nothing to do with it.

This kind of thinking was adopted as a reaction to the evils of the Christian form of theocracy. Once secular democracy became popular in many parts of the world, this kind of thinking also found acceptance. It was further strengthened by the activities of some religious circles, who instead of concentrating on the reform of their own character and deeds, and engaging in acts of worship and the like, became the focal point of criticism when they began to engage in political activities as well.

It raised many an eyebrow that a religious person should participate in politics.

This viewpoint stemmed from comparing Islam with other religions, although such an analogy is absolutely wrong.

The teachings of Islam are not limited to beliefs, worship and moral concerns. It has in fact provided us with invaluable injunctions regarding financial questions as well as matters of politics and government. Without these guidelines and principles, the holistic concept of Islam would be incomplete.

The second extreme view is that of those who made every effort to refute secularism and, as a result, declared politics to be the actual objective of Islam.

According to them, the purpose of Islam is to establish a just political system all over the world, and all the other injunctions of Islam are meant to serve this end. Hence, a person who engages in politics so that Islam may prevail is serving the true purpose of Islam, and those who engage in other things, like purification of the soul, preaching, reformation of society, etc., and are not involved in politics, are myopic1 and oblivious to the actual purpose of Islam.

Both of these views are extreme, and they stem from an incorrect perception of the role politics plays in Islam.

In reality, the teachings and injunctions of Islam relate to every aspect of life, including politics.

But it is wrong to say that politics is the actual purpose of Islam and that all injunctions and teachings are meant only to serve that purpose. This can be illustrated through an example. Islam has laid down very detailed guidelines and instructions about trade, but it would be absolutely wrong to say that trade is the actual purpose of Islam. Similarly, Islam has laid down many guidelines concerning marriage, but the mere fact that there are many detailed guidelines does not mean that marriage is the actual purpose of Islam. So the fact that Islam has laid down basic guidelines and injunctions about politics does not mean that politics is the actual purpose of Islam.

Allah has clearly stated the purpose of His having created man in the following Aayah:

وَمَا خَلَقْتُ ٱلْجِنَّ وَٱلْإِنسَ إِلَّا لِيَعْبُدُونِ

And I have not created the Jinn and man except that they may worship (or serve) Me. [Az Zariyat 51: 56]

  1. lacking foresight or intellectual insight.


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