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Islam and Politics – Chief Justice, Mufti Taqi Uthmani حفظه الله

The Islamic Concept of Government
One cannot understand fully the injunctions and guidelines Islam has given about politics and government until one has a correct understanding of the concept of government. Some of us may have, at some time, looked at and analysed various philosophers 'theories about the beginning and the purpose of government. However, the concept of government in Islam is not like any of those theories; and without understanding it, one cannot properly understand the basis of the Islamic principles and the injunctions regarding politics.

Sovereignty belongs to Allah
The most important basic principle is that Allah ﷻ is the true Sovereign of this universe, and
of all that is in it. Worldly rulers rule only as a consequence of this sovereignty, and in  subservience. This is the basic principle which allows neither any difference of opinion nor Ijtihad of any kind, nor can it be ignored in any instance, nor can there be any negotiations on this point. This is the first and most fundamental article of an Islamic constitution, which has been stated more than once by the Holy Quraan in clear and unambiguous terms:

إِنِ ٱلْحُكْمُ إِلَّا لِلَّهِ
Truly [all] Sovereignty belongs to Allah. [Al An`am 6: 57]
In another place we read:

أَلَا لَهُ ٱلْحُكْمُ

So remember: To Him (Allah) Belongs all Sovereignty. [Al An`am 6: 62]

أَلَا لَهُ ٱلْخَلْقُ وَٱلْأَمْرُ

Truly His is the creation and the Ultimate Command. [Al A`raf 7: 54]
All these beautiful verses show that sovereignty over the whole universe belongs to Allah and Allah alone.

Secular democracy, however, presumes that the right to rule belongs to the people. Ruler-ship
or government means having the right to make decisions and issue edicts without being
dependent on anyone else.

That right belongs to no one but Allah.

If one considers anyone else as a ruler in this sense, one will be guilty of having ascribed
partners to Allah.


Prime Spot!!!


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