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Islam in Ghana – Sheikh Farook al Wadud talks about Deen in his country


Sheikh Farook Al Wadud Haroun of the Tijaniyya Sufi Order whose lineage is linked to the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings upon him) spoke about Islam in his country, Ghana.

Islam is practiced widely in Ghana with the different sects found within the country. The most challenging aspect for Muslims was the lack of unity due to sectarianism. The majority of the Muslims in Ghana are Sunni whilst the Ahmadiya, Shia and other non-denominational Muslims were also found.

Speaking on his impressions of the Muslim community in South Africa in comparison to Ghana, he saw South African Muslims being much organised with a central body and leaders keeping the Ummah united whilst this was very lacking in Ghana, especially due to the differences in ideologies present.

He shared some insight on the Tijaniyya Sufi Order which is practiced by more than 25% of the Ghanaian Muslims.  Its founder was Abu al-Abbas Ahmed ibn Muhammad at-Tijani, a Berber born in Algeria.

Tariqah Tijaniyya is a major path of the Sufi order. It is the belief of the followers that Muslims not only need to be content with following the rights of Shari’ah but they also need to become closer to Allah and to attain this closeness, spiritual exercises that include Dhikr, Istigfaar and Salat ala an-Nabi must be performed in the prescribed manner.

This is done by practising the three obligatory litanies or award – the Lazim or Wird, the Wadhifa and the Hadra of the Friday.

Asked to give some advice to the Ummah of South Africa, Sheikh Farook said that Muslims needed to take heed of the hadith from the Nabi (peace and blessings be upon him): “I have been sent to perfect good habits.” Once Muslims began emulating the Nabi (peace and blessings be upon him), we would be able to portray a true and living Islam to the world.

He further mentioned that “if Deen fails to recognise issues of humanity, it fails to be a religion in its entirety.”



Prime Spot!!!


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