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[LISTEN] Judge Siraj Desai Speaks to Radio Islam about #SONA2020 & the MJC’s 75th Anniversary

Western Cape High Court Judge Siraj Desai has told Radio Islam there needs to be a more concerted effort in uplifting the poor in South Africa.

Judge Desai was speaking during the 75-year-Anniversary of the Muslim Judicial Council on Wednesday.

Ramaphosa will deliver his state of the nation address on Thursday amid reports that it may be disrupted by the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) who want the president to fire Public Enterprises Minister Pravin Gordan.

The red berets also want former President FW De Klerk to be charged with crimes against humanity.

Asked about what he expects from Ramaphosa’s Sona, Judge Desai says our principle duty is to uplift the plight of the poor.

“I expect nothing. What I want him to do that’s a different question. That is take radical steps to fundamentally alter the inequality in South Africa.”

Meanwhile Judge Desai says the MJC’s 75th anniversary is more than just a celebration.

“It’s not just simply the 75th anniversary that we celebrate, it’s the last few decades of enormous contribution which the MJC made, not simply to Islam but to all of South Africa.”

Judge Desai also touched on the judiciary saying there should be more progressive judges who can advance the common agenda and try to create a better society.

Listen to the interview with Judge Siraj Desai

Faizel Patel, Radio Islam News – 12-02-2020

(Twitter: @FaizelPatel143)


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