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Natural remedies for athletes foot


Athlete's foot, (tenia pedis) or what is commonly called tinea, is a painful fungal disease which usually strikes the feet. You don't need to be an athlete to catch the disease and athletes foot is a rather simple disease to get rid of with natural home remedies.

The best remedy for athlete's foot is to avoid the disease in the first place. Wash your feet regularly, wear clean socks, preferably made from cotton which allows the feet o breathe and always dry your feet well after having a shower, swimming or other sporting activities.

Wearing sandals to reduce moisture accumulation and heat generated by closed shoes will also help in the control and spread of the infection.

Treat Athletes Foot with Apple Cider Vinegar
the acid in vinegar will kill the fungi that causes athletes foot and heal the area quickly. Add a few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar into a foot bath of warm water and soak the feet for 10 minutes. Dry your feet well with a clean towel, especially between the toes. Do this for a few days and your tinea will quickly heal

Healing Athlete's Foot with Epsom salts
Make a foot bath with 2 tablespoons of Epsom salts in warm water. The Epsom salts will kill the fungi and your feet will feel so good after a soak. Do this daily until the infection has healed. Remember to dry your feet completely, especially between the toes.

Baking soda/ bicarbonate paste would also be helpful in curing this infection. Take a 1 tbsp baking/bicarbonate soda and add some water, to form a paste. Apply the paste on the affected area. Once dry, rinse off and let your feet dry.

Apply cornstarch/maziena on your feet, including the area between the toes as well, before putting on socks and shoes. This will keep the feet dry and help in curing athlete's foot.

Tea contains tannic acid, a natural astringent that works wonderfully to dry out sweaty feet. Steep five tea bags in a litre of boiling water for five minutes. Let cool to lukewarm, and then soak your feet in this “tea bath” for 30 minutes.

Alternatively, mix tea-tree oil with aloe gel, another skin softener. Mix three parts tea-tree oil to one part aloe gel and rub this salve into the infected area twice a day. Give this treatment six to eight weeks to work.

Yogurt: One of the greatest of all fungus-fighting foods in your fridge is yogurt that contains live acidophilus. The yogurt contains the active bacteria. Acidophilus helps control vaginal and oral yeast, but it may give other fungi a pretty good fight, too. And if nothing else, it tastes good and is good for you. Apply a little bit of plain yogurt daily to sooth itchy skin and fight the infection. Live yogurt cultures have wonderful anti-fungal properties.

Cinnamon: A good soak in a cinnamon tea foot bath will help slow down the fungus. Boil 8 to 10 broken cinnamon sticks in 4 cups water, then simmer for five minutes. Let steep for another 45 minutes. Soak your feet for 15 to 30 minutes. Repeat daily, as needed.

Lemon: This remedy will help you in the sweaty foot-odour. Squeeze the juice from a lemon and mix it with 2 ounces water. Rinse your feet with the lemon water.

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